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cmiovino t1_j243d6d wrote

Personally, after exhausting my resources calling The Health Dept, etc. I'd be buying space heaters, saving the receipts, and saving my electric bills for the month (or propane purchases if you go that route). Bill them back to the LL when it's all done.

Our LL was super cool about this when ours went out. He was on top of it, but said the HVAC guys were swamped when it happened last year. Asked if we had space heaters and if not, he'd bring one over. We were good, but he offered to cover our propane costs. I actually declined because it was only for 2 days.


Metrichex OP t1_j243ryj wrote

My landlord expects me to bill my renters insurance for any outlays. They also continuously lie about the situation; I've been told it's been fixed every day since the 26th. They also are going with a preposterous lie that a tenant caused this by leaving their windows open.

I'm done. I was hoping someone reading this had a cool landlord with an available unit, because really my next step is getting an attorney and breaking the lease.


cmiovino t1_j244p1z wrote

You get good LLs and bad ones. Our one before in Millvale was terrible. Came in and broke our dryer trying to clean out the heavily blocked vent when we moved in. We had really bad water/flooding problems and he never fixed them. It was common to come down to the basement/garage with literally 1/2" or more of water on the floor. The mold was nuts over time.

Only stayed there a year and got the fuck out. Ended up not even getting our security deposit back because he claimed the entire place was "infested" with fleas because we had a cat.