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lavender-bird t1_j26g59q wrote

I don’t have any good advice for helping get the heat back on, but I will give you a warning with renters; Don’t do Arkham Realty. We had a slumlord apartment in lower Lawrenceville with several issues (sewage backup, floorboards so gapped you could see into the apt below, leaking roof) that they never helped with. They also never responded to us giving notice moving out, then tried to charge us $3k at the end of our lease for those repairs (but the charges never came/were dropped when we said hey what’s this). I know ours hasn’t been rented out since we left it a year ago and for good reason, so if you see it, RUN.


Metrichex OP t1_j26jgdh wrote

Thank you for the heads-up!


lavender-bird t1_j27153a wrote

You’re welcome! You deserve better than a place like that, hahah