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Strongbow85 t1_j237i95 wrote

U.S. Steel had proposed a $1 billion upgrade to its Edgar Thomson Plant in Braddock, political opposition played a role in their decision to build elsewhere. Ultimately they chose a site in the southern United States and built it with non-union labor. Fetterman was very supportive of the project, which I respect him for.

>Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, Jones’ predecessor as mayor of Braddock and current U.S. Senate candidate, said the news was “absolutely devastating,” and blamed unnamed local elected officials for the project’s failure.

>“We had the opportunity to make some of the greenest steel in the world right here in Braddock and secure the future of thousands of good paying union jobs,” Fetterman said, in a statement. “I will never understand why I was one of the only elected officials who pushed for this major project proactively and enthusiastically, while so many others turned their back on the working men and women of the Steelworkers and Building Trades in Allegheny County.”

We'll probably see another shopping plaza development with low paying service sector jobs. Perhaps some high tech industry will move in, sure it will generate some tax revenue but it won't do much to help the common people of Braddock.

I like the idea of building solar plants, that's a step in the right direction. It's too bad Pittsburgh/Braddock wasn't selected for one of the new chip production plants being built across the country. Arizona, New Mexico and Ohio were selected. [1]


Willow-girl t1_j23z9d3 wrote

Wow. Seems Fetterman does have a lick of common sense! Glad to hear it.


Omgitsjustdae OP t1_j24n8dm wrote

I was against said project because it included a fracking well which we didn't need and still don't need as our air quality is already messed up. We don't need to become an environmental nightmare of issues.


Strongbow85 t1_j25hs64 wrote

I'm sure that part could have been negotiated or a contract could have been made where if water contamination became an issue they'd not only be held responsible for the repair and cleanup but Braddock could sue them. A project that large should have enough oversight that US Steel would be wise enough not to cut corners.

Perhaps you could have gotten a deal to provide Braddock residents discounted gas prices, or Braddock could get royalties which could then be transferred to residents. Most fracking wells are on rural properties, usually owned by farmers, they collect royalties and are provided free gas. A similar deal could have benefited the entire community.