Submitted by Ryan1006 t3_zqxy7o in pittsburgh

Anyone else get one of these recently? Ours came from someone named Maura Bowman in Rochester. Seems like she is an older lady based on the handwriting. Handwritten letter with a small pamphlet and card with her email and website for a free Bible course. Not a big deal but it was just odd to get.



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timesuck t1_j10jvby wrote

Yeah, they do this all the time. It's supposed to be more personal and an attempt to get you to connect and open to up to them.


JetoCalihan t1_j10k0m0 wrote

Pretty sure I got one a few years ago. It was rather condemning and condescending for a cold call type letter. Not that I'm surprised with what I know about them.


hooch t1_j10kqr6 wrote

I've gotten 2 in the last 3 years. Always found it odd that these people use their real name and address. Seems risky to me but what do I know.


oldschoolskater t1_j10o4lt wrote

I get the feeling that Jehovah Witness are more sincere in their beliefs than followers of other religions. At least it seems like that to me. Almost like a cult. I'm not a devout religious person and I'm not speaking badly of them just my observation.


Ryan1006 OP t1_j10o7su wrote

No, not going through anything at all. I don’t care that they sent a letter, just was surprised they are still doing things that way. This letter wasn’t really personal, was more of a, quote, “the world conditions are getting worse” but they’ll get better. I don’t begrudge anyone who does this or comes to my door, it’s part of what they have to do, I’m just never going to have any interest in joining the JW.


TheTunnelMonster t1_j10oryl wrote

Yes, I’ve gotten one every year for the last 4 years. I usually use them to start my charcoal chimney.


lzsbrn t1_j10pod8 wrote

I used to get them around this time every year when I lived in Highland Park.


WhyHulud t1_j10yzn5 wrote

It's absolutely a cult. Members are told who they can and cannot talk to, they must give up most of their income to the church. Skilled jobs are extremely rare in JW, because they're taught to be suspicious of the educated.

There's more, but you should really go look for it yourself. There's a YouTuber called The Telltale Atheist that talks about his time in JW.


crestarthegreat t1_j11bnto wrote

I’ve received them and called the church directly and asked them to stop it. Have not received a letter since.


youtriedincomicsans t1_j11cpnp wrote

Physically In, Mentally Questioning (PIMQ) and Physically In, Mentally Out (PIMO) Witnesses have to toe the line or risk losing everything. Family, friends, jobs working for other Witnesses, housing rented to them by other Witnesses. /r/exjw has plenty of PIMOs living in fear.


CommaSplyce t1_j11y5ta wrote

My husband got several of these throughout the pandemic.


87catsinatrenchcoat t1_j11zlo3 wrote

At least you got a handwritten one. I got a pamphlet shoved in my doorjamb.


NYCinPGH t1_j11zoi9 wrote

I live in the East End, and I used to get one every few months, starting at the beginning of lockdown, from someone in Swissvale. It might have been the same JW’s that would show up every few months on Sundays.


hiddenagenda44 t1_j122x6k wrote

I just got one today, addressed to my niece, who does not now nor never has lived at my address. Not sure how/why that happened.


this_works_now t1_j124agh wrote

I got one of these a couple of months back, and my husband's co-worker said he had gotten one too -- handwritten letters from a JW but one in our area somewhere. I suppose they're doing letters now instead of door to door since the pandemic?


noslickname t1_j127iel wrote

I think it’s amazing that people have so much faith they feel compelled to share it. I’ve got my own beliefs and am not easily swayed but my husband always jokes that if Prince had knocked on the door and asked if we’d heard the good word that we’d have totally become witnesses. Obviously- uncool if anyone tries the hellfire/damnation approach but to just be excited about their belief system? I’m happy they’ve found something so personally meaningful.


WoodsyWhiskey t1_j147qzp wrote

We've gotten them as well and I too thought it was weird that they used their own address. I looked it up though and it was their name but the return address was of the local church or whatever their place of worship is called.


JAK3CAL t1_j14sorq wrote

Yep I always get these