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duggee315 t1_j3i64ut wrote

Don't be paranoid. It's just a crime watch sign. You are perfectly "safe" ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


RagnarHedin t1_j3ihy0k wrote

There are those who use quotation marks for emphasis. Those people... are wrong.


Delicious-Newt-5674 t1_j3j3jbi wrote

Don't worry theyre making sure Duquesne is a "safe area" for you


ClammyHandedFreak t1_j3jpo8r wrote

It's like an expert in psychological warfare designed this freakin' street sign.


MicMcDev t1_j3lurro wrote

The fact the sign is so faded away to me makes me feel like the people that used to watch for crime are long long gone.


rangoon03 t1_j3k3w4d wrote

Yep, they watch crime that happens there on the news.


Alone-Lobster-7405 t1_j3jtobe wrote

I was just looking at that very sign. The quotes didn't register in my brain because I kept on thinking of a dumpster fire. You can watch but not sure that makes it any better.


Jahya69 t1_j3jzhyv wrote

common yinzer mis-use of grammar.


Yomama-22 t1_j3kqpgd wrote

This right where mfrs cross 837 and try to get run over at 5am. Wait for the damn light!!


gldmj5 t1_j3lwgrc wrote

Unintentional sarcasm maybe.


IamChantus t1_j3k027w wrote

We called them watch crime signs as kids.


sandrodi t1_j3k1nya wrote

I still have this saved in my clipboard from the last time I referenced it about three weeks ago.


just-kath t1_j3lkspv wrote

We tried to form a neighborhood watch in our little town in BC. People were outraged because they said it was just a reason to snoop into their lives. SMH. It was a short-lived endeavor. Maybe that accounts for the quotation marks? An attempt to reassure the neighborhood?


hydrospanner t1_j3lns71 wrote

I mean...are those people wrong?

How is an organized "crime watch" any different than the same collection of individuals separately having an MO of "if I see sketchy shit I'll call the cops"?

Just seems to me like the sort of thing that everyone is fine without, but it is formed by people craving any sort of authority they can get their hands on...uniting with the people who want to be up in everyone's business.


just-kath t1_j3mgu6s wrote

Well, mostly it was a monthly meeting where people told of any experiences they had that the police didn't share. It's good to know if cars are being broken into or things being stolen from porches. There were no cameras trained on people's homes other than their own. But everyone was encouraged to call the police if they saw something suspicious. That didn't seem intrusive to me, it is just what I do anyway. Neighbors should watch out for each other. Some of us do. One of the best additions to our neighborhood is a very young family and they are so nice, and the young man keeps an eye out.

For instance. I was coming home with my golden and we had just gotten out of the car. A very large, unknown to him the dog was coming right for us. I stuffed my dog back in the car... he actually saw it from his upstairs office and came out on his porch roof to try to distract the dog from me so I could get into the house. It turns out it was a neighbors dog that I had met.. fierce looking but not fierce. When I realized who it was, I called him by name and corralled him for the neighbor who owned him. .

So. He helped me when he thought I was in danger. I helped my neighbor who wasn't home by keeping track of her dog so he wouldn't get hurt. This is being neighborly. This is how it used to be. Now... people just don't look out for each other in a lot of cases. So.. Whatever. The young guy is so great and I appreciate him.

Forming a group didn't help, the good folks are still good and the bad guys benefit from the good guys watching out for them... life goes on


[deleted] t1_j3jnjqf wrote

I'm an MFA in Creative Writing working as a Comms Manager for a local tourist location (yes B I worked hard for that and will brag as much as I want), and this makes me want to give free advice, lol. I live in a PGH suburb and signs in my neighborhood want attention, but...Does anyone have a sharpie?
