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timesuck t1_j69hv09 wrote

That’s strike rat.

It’s a rally to support Post Gazeete workers. They’ve been on strike now for 100 days.

Here’s a link to their strike fund for anyone interested in throwing a few bucks their way to help out.


SultanOfSwat0123 t1_j6b1mbp wrote

It’s really only been 100 days? A buddy of mine works in their printing and I feel like I’ve been receiving nearly daily updates for about 6 months.


TypicalWhiteGiant t1_j6dp1ve wrote

The printers have been on strike longer than the journalists- the journalists were doing a byline strike but then became a full blown strike when their brother and sister unions forced a vote on a company wide strike - at least that’s my understanding


a-lala- t1_j6dkuw7 wrote

That link also includes a sign-up for their alternative paper, Pittsburgh Union Progress. It’s free and extremely helpful to them as a way of proving public support!