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Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2mry52 wrote

This is America, they're gonna hear the word "automatic" and think its super dangerous.


[deleted] t1_j2ms0fh wrote

Lol someone's already downvoting me


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2ms4s2 wrote

Lol welcome to reddit, probably some weirdo whos scared of anything and everything.


PaApprazer t1_j2mvo32 wrote

Naw, just a normal person watching a bunch of weirdos getting hardons over a knife


JunkYardBatman t1_j2n1iln wrote

If it’s normal to put people down simply because we have different interests, I’d rather be a weirdo.


PaApprazer t1_j2n3s8m wrote

Aww, I would have thought switchblade “enthusiasts” would have thick skin, my bad


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2nh2e8 wrote

I mean your defense for switchblades included some dumb strawman of some lady with a gun in her purse. Eat shit


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2ni2j8 wrote

Lol what the fuck you so mad about?


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2ni6yp wrote

Was there something unclear about my post? I think you're a dumbass, and I explained why in the post above. Any specific questions or are you going to point and sputter?


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2nibvb wrote

No im going to do what any sane person would do, ignore you.


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2niidj wrote

sounds good

here's a pro tip for next time: if your defense of your switchblade auto-toys is dependent on shitting on guns or people that carry them, maybe leave the talking to someone with above room temperature IQ.


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2njyun wrote

It seems like I hit a soft spot i apologize if I've offended you. You seem to really care about guns


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2nk771 wrote

You're unintelligent and a useless piece of shit with a bad attitude.

Yeah, if I made a stupid thread about some gun bill that passed, and then in the comments I made an argument saying:

- some karen with a switchblade in her purse


You would probably think this is stupid, because it is.


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2nkclb wrote

Hey man its ok, I like guns too. You don't need to get upset, were all friends here.


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2nkhuv wrote

nah man, you're a fucking idiot, I'm good.


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2nkqtm wrote

You seem upset, something on your mind champ?


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2nkyve wrote

do you have reading comprehension issues, or do you just have a habit of asking stupid questions about things that have been answered in an attempt to be condescending?


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2nlfz1 wrote

No one's being condescending, are these simple questions making you feel uncomfortable?