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Hayk t1_j2mq3ra wrote

My cousin has been waiting for this day his entire life.


[deleted] t1_j2mqfot wrote

Get ready for all the pearl-clutching news bits


JunkYardBatman t1_j2mrns7 wrote

I have an OTF that has been patiently waiting for the day I can put it in my pocket and walk out the door.


JuliaX1984 t1_j2mscij wrote

Wake me up when 2 unmarried people with 1 kid each from a previous relationship living together, owning 6 cats, and carrying groceries home in plastic bags are legal, too.


BeMancini t1_j2mtrcc wrote

Anybody have any good recommendations?


[deleted] t1_j2mtt64 wrote

Why not say switchblade?

Not sure how I feel about this.


RagnarHedin t1_j2muzmm wrote

Any recommendation on where to buy one in-person?

I had one a long time ago that was an impulse-buy item at the checkout at a Dunham's, but it was like $2 so it broke in under a month.


[deleted] t1_j2mx8pz wrote

Utopia achieved! Finally the legislators are doing gods work.


alwaysboopthesnoot t1_j2mzbtn wrote

Doesn’t stop knife shops from saying auto knives (aka switchblades) for sale or switchblades/auto knives for sale.

People will use the term they knew or grew up with, the term they used themselves for the knives they own/owned, or whatever term sells the most knives.


JuliaX1984 t1_j2n17k7 wrote

Marriage WOULD technically be mandatory under the current law preventing more than 3 unrelated people from living together if parents had more than 1 kid from previous relationships. Pittsburgh's zoning ordinance's definition of "family" should be changed so unmarried, unrelated people CAN live together.


esushi t1_j2n19hm wrote

You're the first person to say "autoknives" on the entire internet haha, had no idea what you meant until the other comments (the brand name isn't coming up I guess since the website styles it as "Auto Knives")


GargantuanWitch t1_j2n2v14 wrote

Cool! Now I can properly defend myself against those pesky Sharks, if the alley is too narrow for a dance-off.


Ok-Twist921 t1_j2n32j0 wrote

Hell yeah me and the barbershop boys no longer have to go on the lam when the fuzz comes knocking at the social club see


Itsjustataco t1_j2n936b wrote

Why would we bother to allow this?just seems to be valueless to me


GargantuanWitch t1_j2nd0r9 wrote

Ask a minority that's been evicted on this basis if it's ever been enforced, because yes it most certainly has, especially when a shitty landlord can't figure out another way to get someone kicked out.


GargantuanWitch t1_j2nj8h6 wrote

This is gonna sound dumb, but is the single thing that made that knife illegal the button that released the blade?

Because I've got a workbox full of these things, so I'm really not sure what the excitement is about.


Antique-Low3985 t1_j2nk771 wrote

You're unintelligent and a useless piece of shit with a bad attitude.

Yeah, if I made a stupid thread about some gun bill that passed, and then in the comments I made an argument saying:

- some karen with a switchblade in her purse


You would probably think this is stupid, because it is.


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2ntdnd wrote

This was the old definition of offensive weapons so yes.

"Offensive weapons." Any bomb, grenade, machine gun, sawed-off shotgun with a barrel less than 18 inches, firearm specially made or specially adapted for concealment or silent discharge, any blackjack, sandbag, metal knuckles, dagger, knife, razor or cutting instrument, the blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button, spring mechanism, or otherwise, any stun gun, stun baton, taser or other electronic or electric weapon or other implement for the infliction of serious bodily injury which serves no common lawful purpose.


IOnlyLurk t1_j2nygbe wrote

Because the law also made it illegal to sell or repair these knives. Which meant businesses had to leave PA or not be able to compete in that market.

Also we can carry guns. Banning a certain type of knife from being carried is stupid.


GargantuanWitch t1_j2o14wb wrote

Is it, though?

The one I'm looking at, right now, was purchased from a Home Depot within this decade. Right from the rack, not in an alley.

I'm super happy for everyone who can breathe a sigh of relief, I guess, but this is kinda like learning that your favorite font now has a sans serif variant.


Delicious-Newt-5674 OP t1_j2o2e47 wrote

Thats the thing, just cause you bought it legally doesn't mean its legal. If you got pulled over or stopped by police for some reason (even if you're not doing anything wrong) and they found it you could have been charged with possession of an offensive weapon under pa title 18 section 908. Why? Just cause it opened with a spring. Which is why the ACLU supported the bill, because prosecutors were unfairly charging people for having a knife that they used for work.


motociclista t1_j2p5c7w wrote

That’s always been such a weird law to me. Like, you want to carry a gun? No problem. Want to carry a fixed blade knife? Have at it. Want to carry a spring assisted knife that easily pops open one handed? We got you fam! Want to carry a knife that’s spring assisted, pops open with one hand, but uses a button? That’s a big time felony bud! It never made sense that they were illegal, but now that they are, and have been for decades, it doesn’t make much sense that they’ve repealed the law. I mean, I’m ok with it, I’m not taking a stance, it’s just an odd choice of law to change.


Rocap13 t1_j2pdbj2 wrote

This guy isn't the greatest example because he was passed out at the wheel but he was charged with possession of a prohibited weapon for a knife he bought at Walmart and wasn't even full automatic. I stumbled across it a while back when I was looking into an auto knife


IntensityJokester t1_j2pwq6b wrote

Never knew about this distinction! But something is in the air for me — I just read that batons would get you in trouble, you were better off with a bat or a flashlight. (I was looking up side batons or tonfa, thinking maybe I need something in the house just in case.)


Blottoboxer t1_j2q2hhv wrote

How will this affect sales of switchblade hair combs at local flea-matkets?


hartguitars t1_j2rpw2u wrote

CLA, although I was close to pulling the trigger on a used infidel a few years back, the tip was broken so I turned it down. My CLA has been going strong for about 10 years now. It's my EDC when in the backcountry, but I lived in NYC for a decade so it was mostly in my dresser drawer. Now I'm in PA and can carry legally!


NSlocal t1_j2ru8ao wrote

The batons that really will get you in trouble are the telescoping variety. I don't think anybody would bat an eye at an old fashioned billy club. Or get an old school Maglite with the 4 D cell battery capability. Dual purpose and completely legal.


hubbyofhoarder t1_j2wws87 wrote

Soooo are gravity knives legal now too?

Gravity knives being illegal is every bit as dumb as automatic knives being so


hubbyofhoarder t1_j2xrmdw wrote

Because the switchblade distinction was arbitrary and ridiculous. There are a ton of folding knives made today that one can open with just a flick of a thumb or finger. Those knives open every bit as quickly as any automatic knife, and yet were not illegal.

The old law also made no distinction for knives that were clearly used for legitimate purposes. My mother was a career HS teacher who travelled to Italy a few times. On one of her trips she brought home a switchblade; the blade was an inch and a half long. Mom kept it in her purse and used it to cut the fruit she brought for her lunch. Should she have been charged? That's ridiculous

My mother was not going to throw down a la the Sharks and the Jets with other teachers in the parking lot.