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PGHNeil t1_j5tj747 wrote

My wife and I are not struggling but I remember working for tips and minimum wage so we tend to tip a little higher.

1: on carryout I tip 20% which is the same as if I'm dining there, though this is a holdover from the pandemic. I figure that since the cost of wholesale food items is going up I do it so that my favorite family-run restaurants don't go under.

2: pizza delivery: the next dollar up from what the cost of a gallon of gas costs: $4-$5. For things like haircuts I typically tip $7 (which is about 25% and along with no putting on a ball is a thank you for not messing things up.)

3: It's gone up from 15% to 18% to 20% - sometimes even 25%. After working as a busboy I was shocked to learn that wait staff actually made LESS than minimum wage and expected to claim their tips come tax time.