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ktxhopem3276 t1_j6kqd1q wrote

if the common level ratio is artificially low that will exaggerate the value of improvements and minimize the effect of inflation. And if you make improvement s and don’t sell your house you get an advantage over people who make improvements but do sell


burritoace t1_j6kvzng wrote

Right, which is why I question the motives of the people seeking to adjust the ratio way down


ktxhopem3276 t1_j6kw7i9 wrote

Do you think the 2.1% or 4.7% growth rate is correct?


burritoace t1_j6kyhqm wrote

I think it varies too much to set one number for the whole county, so the current system is stupid and should be replaced.


ktxhopem3276 t1_j6kzo6f wrote

Reassessing every 3-5 years would be a good middle ground. ten years is the absolute limit based on the current frequency of posts on Reddit. Every one or two years is a lot of effort for little benefit.