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ScratchMoore t1_j53e6ej wrote

Grew up in Castle Shannon. Lived there for 20 years. Moved to Dormont to get married, raise kids, get divorced. Lived there for 20 years. Five years ago, I bought my childhood home in Castle Shannon and moved back.

I don’t hang out with many high school friends, but I’m friends on FB with many of them, and I’d let them buy me a beer if I ran into them at a bar. Most of my close friends came from a summer camp job I had for 10 years that I started when I was 15.

But yeah… didn’t move very far at all haha


susinpgh t1_j52prfk wrote

Southside Slopes through grade school (1971), Shadeland Marshall through high school (1976), Squirrel Hill through college (1980). I left after college, and lost complete touch with anybody I knew during school years. Moved back in 1998.

EDIT: added dates


buffripa OP t1_j52q6jz wrote

Yup, That’s a lot of moving for a kid. Happens. Which was your favorite?


susinpgh t1_j52quqq wrote

Didn't seem like much to me! I like where I'm living now, in Lawrenceville. This is the longest I've lived anywhere, and it's been quite awhile. I should add dates to my answer.


kimbecile t1_j536hqj wrote

Grew up in Brookline (Carmalt) but went to middle school in Oakland (Frick) and high-school in Homewood (CAPA) and Perry in the late 80's. Still tight with friends from Perry and CAPA but not any from Brookline. Moved away after college to CA, OR, GA and FL. Came back here to Brookline but moved out to Carnegie to put my kids in a better school district.


NSlocal t1_j559ksf wrote

Raised up in the 15212. Lived in another state off and on, lived in (apartment life) many Pittsburgh neighborhoods, bought a house back in the 15212. Still have a few friends from childhood who still live within walking distance. Norcide forever.


chad4359 t1_j536nn8 wrote

Grew up in Bethel Park. Parents moved to Washington county after my siblings and I graduated. Moved to Brentwood after I got married, which funnily enough is where my parents grew up. I stay in touch with my best friend from high school who now lives in Fayette county


Hokiecivil t1_j55zw9u wrote

Also grew up in BP. Lived next to Logan Elem which I understand is now a retirement/old folks home. Moved away in the 7th grade back in 1968 and did not maintain contact with anyone other than relatives. What a fantastic place and time to grow up in, many many fond memories!


BetesBurgh t1_j52sd49 wrote

Grew up in Sheraden (birth-2004), still friendly with a few childhood friends (Facebook etc). I chose to go to a magnet school (north side) to get away from bullying and abuse by a classmate. Then I moved for college then moved abroad, lived in around the city a bit then eventually settled in Stanton Heights. Oddly, I moved in up the street from my middle school English teacher & two different people I went to high school with.


buffripa OP t1_j52y18h wrote

The Magnet/charter schools provide a good option for students that need to school in a different neighborhood today as well. Thanks for the dates to give some context.


toolatetobeoriginal t1_j535drt wrote

Grew up in West View (graduated HS in 2011). Just had two people in my wedding party that lived within .5mi from me, and another as a guest. Still close with many others, but those three friends I’ve been friends with for two and a half decades.

Now live in Brookline.


Delta632 t1_j55qjck wrote

West view was idyllic to grow up in during the 90s. Oakmont Ave Vs beechmont street hockey games were legendary.


Easilver91 t1_j565xv6 wrote

Squirrel Hill. Still have close friends from pre-school. 85% of my friend group is from high-school or earlier.


leilaowai16 t1_j56y0da wrote

Grew up in Upper St Clair, graduated USCHS in 2008. Not really close with anyone from my area, save for like one or two people. Living in Squirrel Hill, probably relocating to Philly soon and have no desire to ever live in the South Hills again, especially Upper St Clair.


buffripa OP t1_j57mial wrote

Just so dang hilly! Most neighborhoods.


leilaowai16 t1_j57qpk9 wrote

Yeah that’s gonna be the case in most neighborhoods, especially the suburbs. Only places that aren’t hilly are downtown and some maybe like Shadyside.


samang67 t1_j53ac1x wrote

Grew up in highland Park. Live in munhall. Not.close with them anymore.


fugly16 t1_j5599bv wrote

Grew up in Carrick in the mid to late 90s. I do not live there anymore. Used to visit my Mom once a week until she passed away as she still lived in Carrick. Still friends with some I graduated with, none of which live in Carrick anymore either.


buffripa OP t1_j58g11k wrote

Thanks for the replies folks. I’m just curious as heck about what makes neighborhoods tick, the peopke, infrastructure, common struggles, the families. Poster grew up in tight Buffalo neighborhood, and the makeup of neighborhoods always interested me. Have a good weekend folks.


kyach25 t1_j552acy wrote

Grew up in the AK Valley around Burrell. Moved away for college. Live in Deer Lakes now because it’s only a 20-25 minute drive downtown without traffic (versus the old 45-50 minute commute). The neighborhood kids who went to college all still talk. The other ones probably go to Mogie’s and are still upset the football team finished 7-2 right behind Freeport and Shady Side who were 8-1.