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CARLEtheCamry t1_j60rv7k wrote

Not sure if you want to limit yourself to the City proper, but Five Stars Honduras in Coraopolis is one of the most unique cuisines I've had in a while.


Generic_Mustard t1_j60uc9k wrote

That food looks incredible and I have never seen anyone hype them up on here before, thank you!


TooManyDogsHere t1_j61x2tl wrote

I'm glad to hear you had a good experience. I lived in Honduras for a bit, and tried this place. Everything was out. No pupusas, no baleadas. I'll give it another go.


whyadamwhy t1_j62g0pk wrote

One of the most mind blowing items I ever ate in my life I ate in Honduras. I always doubt my memory of it at this point because it was 20+ years ago, but it was basically just salsa served on a cucumber boat. I asked about what was in it but they would only just tell me peppers. What kind of peppers? What are they called? Just peppers. Argh!