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blackstarhero666 t1_j574zz6 wrote

I went to an adjacent one and I knew people from Mt. Lebanon who hated their experience.


uglybushes t1_j577o6f wrote

I bet people from all different high schools have poor experiences. I don’t think it’s considered top 3 high schools in the area but secretly setting up kids for failure.


C_ditty t1_j57hgd6 wrote

I imagine it’s like a John Hughes film.


321fishing123 t1_j57icwk wrote

First world problems. Take accountability for your failures and stop looking for someone else to blame. You went to one of the best schools in the state. Wake up.


ktxhopem3276 t1_j57jro3 wrote

It sounds like you are really stressed out and you might benefit from therapy. Writing out your story can be therapeutic. Sometimes people that go to good or high pressure school can develop post traumatic stress disorder. Those types of schools can make you feel like a complete failure when you mess up in tiny ways. Sometimes outsiders judge you based on your supposedly privileged background when even the best schools let a lot of people fall through the cracks. Even the best schools aren’t free from bullying and discrimination. Be kind to yourself and don’t let it define the rest of your life. The future is unwritten.


intrasight t1_j57kd0k wrote

It's a big school district - which for some kids isn't going to be a good fit.

Growing up, some of my friends left the public schools because they needed a smaller more intimate setting for education success.


ktxhopem3276 t1_j57kemd wrote

Corrupt was a strange word choice but op probably just means rotten or spoiled and not in the dishonest moral sense of the word. The op is stressed and hastily wrote this post with SAT vocab words in odd places so that is probably what they were taught to do in a college prep obsessed privileged school district


GiantEagleCEO t1_j57o7rg wrote

Your English teachers corrupted you. Just look at that run-on sentence!!


AutoModerator t1_j57rquk wrote

For anyone in this thread considering self-harm there are resources avalible to help you directly. Locally, Resolve Crisis center is availble to talk 24 hours at 1-888-796-8226.

Reddit itself also has r/SuicideWatch which has a community and a moderation team dedicated to assistance for those of us on the edge.

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321fishing123 t1_j583xj7 wrote

City schools are just teenage daycares with rundown facilities. Lebo has state of the art athletics and arts facilities and have an environment that’s actually conducive to success in the classroom. Test scores dont lie.


DeleteSystem33 t1_j58m8k4 wrote

I've worked at the high school both just on the grounds and actually 'embedded' (babysitting) with the kids on and off for the past 12 years doing security for events, so I've had a lot of time just watching the kids and the parents interact naturally.

You could not be more correct, in my experience.