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alwaysboopthesnoot t1_j5ey0ut wrote

Insulate, regulate, repair/upgrade, transition.

We blew in new insulation in the attic, which helped with both cooling and heating bills. Replaced 4 windows (of 13), along the back of the house where the sun is worse in the Summer but the wind is pretty bad in Winter. House is now easier and cheaper to cool and heat.

Next step: more windows, in phases. And then more insulation wherever we can add it. Possibly, within 5-6 years, a new roof.

For the future: solar panels/battery storage. Columnar wind turbine.

The point being, you plan for the future right now. You invest what you can now, up front, to make things more efficient or affordable, later. You reap whatever benefits you can fet out of your efforts, now.