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sebileis t1_j6c1lnt wrote

Dream: Restore the entire streetcar/interurban/commuter rail network we had pre-1950 and expand on it, prioritize public transit over private automobiles, cancel the remaining portions of the Southern Beltway and Mon-Fayette, push for more sustainable zoning laws/parking minumums, and electrify the mainlines used for passenger rail.

Realistic: Fucking rail to Oakland. Maybe up the Ohio River as far as Sewickley with the airport as an eventual goal. Bus routes that don't all run from a suburb to downtown. Restore Allentown and Penn Station rail service. Modernize our water/sewage/utilities. Build some developments in the Lower Hill that will actually benefit current residents. Fix up our sad excuse of an Amtrak station and expand on the existing services.

Future: See dream above.