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Bolmac t1_j4qsptk wrote

Driving down that in the snow was crazy. At least they had the advantage of no traffic on the cross street at the bottom while they were filming.


oldschoolskater OP t1_j4qabpg wrote

"While there are a couple of streets in the western United States with short sections of more than 37%, there are none with an average grade steeper than Canton Avenue. In fact, this is likely the third steepest street in the world (after ones in New Zealand and Wales)."

If you haven't seen this street in person it's hard to comprehend how steep it is.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_j4si0aa wrote

I've done Canton and Baldwin Street in New Zealand. Guess I have to get to Wales now to finish the circuit.


SirBobsonDugnutt t1_j4qljv8 wrote

I rode my bike up it once. Once was enough:)


Pittman247 t1_j4rqkb3 wrote

That, my fellow Redditor, is outstanding. I rode with my friend ONCE to that street. Looked at it and said “hell no”.

Tip o’ the helmet to you


SirBobsonDugnutt t1_j4ryko3 wrote

Thanks. My brother and I did the "Dirty Dozen" route (on our own) when we were in town visiting my sister.


critzboombah t1_j4sy4vq wrote

Same. Back in 2014(?) First attempt too. DIRTY DOZEN!!!

My wife was at the top, with a bottle of whiskey. Figured that was a good time to call it quits.


Extrasherman t1_j4qsuxh wrote

Logan Ave. is one of the steepest on the "Dirty Dozen". Its right behind my house. That and Rialto. I haven't seen Canton yet but if its steeper than those two it has to be insane.


heili t1_j4qx20a wrote

Canton is steeper than Rialto, but a hell of a lot shorter.


Extrasherman t1_j4rci15 wrote

Whenever I'd ride my motorcycle up Rialto I'd have to stand up and lean over the handlebars because I felt like I would flip backwards.


Fergy328 t1_j4qbsaq wrote

When I visited Pittsburgh for the first time back in October, I made a point to drive this street. I had heard about it a few times before but had forgot that it was in Pittsburgh. Truly a unique experience


mabellerose t1_j4t60tv wrote

I am really curious about the people that live on this street, and how they get in and out during the winter months.


higmy6 t1_j4qi3es wrote

I remember hearing about this street and then randomly stumbling upon it one night. Lived up to the hype lol


broniesnstuff t1_j4sgytc wrote

When I first moved here Pokémon Go came out. This street was the closest pokestop to me, and I still had to drive there. So one day I drive up and park, then sit in my car and do pokémon go stuff. Then a guy and his family come up to talk to me about the street and how he had to come see it and yada yada.

I didn't have the heart to tell him I was there to catch pokémon.

Then I didn't notice the sign saying not to drive down, and drove down. It was fine.


[deleted] t1_j4qks4d wrote

It’s were all the Yintzers in the know and behind on payments drive down on a icy day and wreck their cars to collect


JDRL320 t1_j4qn3iu wrote

We recently checked it out on a random Saturday, it’s pretty cool.


LukeV19056 t1_j4tlsbm wrote

One time we had to go up this in the work van and shit was falling in the back


KytFlyr t1_j4u6zbb wrote

ChatGPT definitely wrote this article


Mr-Pugtastic t1_j4qnhfu wrote

Me and a buddy used to love going down that hill haha felt like a rollercoaster! Amazed nobody has run into the house at the bottom of the hill


dobsco t1_j4wy5ql wrote

I'm still more afraid of Rialto.


Cheddar-chonk t1_j4xckx1 wrote

Broke my arm riding down that hill on my bike


thereandfatagain t1_j4zcor5 wrote

How many times could you climb Canton then eat a Las Palmas taco in a row? You get unlimited sips of Turner’s.