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therealpigman t1_j6g8rj9 wrote

Just do it yourself on it. I just went on chatgpt and asked it to write 5 more headlines like this and got the following:

"Pittsburgh Announces Plan to Replace All Rivers with French Fries"

"Pittsburgh Steel Mills to Replace All Workers with Robots... Except for Their Mothers"

"Local Man Refuses to Believe Pittsburgh is Not Part of Ohio"

"Pittsburgh Launches Initiative to Replace All Bridges with Slip 'n Slides"

"City Council Debates Renaming Pittsburgh to 'Pitts-burgers-burgh' to Embrace Love of Sandwiches"


lotavio69 t1_j6gltjp wrote

That's genius! How come we don't have a local burger joint/chain named Pitts Burgers??? 😁


grachi t1_j6gyxs6 wrote

yea, you do see Steel City used in small business names here and there, but I've never come across a Pitts Burghers, or come to think of it anything that was Pitts {rest of name} before


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_j6i55m7 wrote

You don't think it's because they'd be completely swarmed by a mob of people going ACKSHUALLY PITT IS THE NAME OF THE COLLEGE


grachi t1_j6jaeck wrote

Yea, probably would happen actually