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dayglo_nightlight t1_j5dk181 wrote

That's Oscar! I used to see him out in squirrel hill all the time. He lost his leg to a rat trap--I'm a bit upset to see his caretakers still let him roam after that.


Baconi44 OP t1_j5b9mk3 wrote

I figure it’s an outdoor cat, it’s definitely quite hefty and cared for but I haven’t seen it around before, but I wanted to check here on the off chance someone might know it.


earthseakitten t1_j5bczoc wrote

That might be Oscar, but I haven't seen him in a few years. He used to stop by our porch for treats.


Baconi44 OP t1_j5bd79j wrote

Oh, that would be good. This cat was very friendly. Does Bartlett St. sound about right for where he’d be around?


OisinKaliszewski t1_j5bcqj5 wrote

What part of Squirrel Hill?


Baconi44 OP t1_j5bcsb3 wrote

Bartlett St.


OisinKaliszewski t1_j5bdo60 wrote

Okay then I most likely do know this cat! I used to feed it a few years ago, or a very similar one with a missing leg, when I was living on Alderson!

Amazing that they are still alive! It's 100% a street cat. It's been around since 2019 as that's when I first saw it.


Baconi44 OP t1_j5bezcm wrote

Oh good! I hope this is the case. The cat was very friendly.


chicken-strips99 t1_j5cg2ci wrote

yes, oscar!! i do know this cat! his home is on beacon i believe…


hot_wet_garbage t1_j5bedai wrote

Which part of Bartlett street? I live between shady and Murray and have never seen this cat before. There are a couple houses on the street that feed the cats and have homemade cat shelters and there are about five that I have regularly seen the last two years I have lived in the area


Baconi44 OP t1_j5bepnf wrote

Towards the end, near Bartlett playground


hot_wet_garbage t1_j5bf0l8 wrote

Ahhh got ya, I’m up by giant eagle so that would make sense why I haven’t seen this little guy before