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LSparklepants t1_j64z7qm wrote


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j64z9qi wrote

Teardrop tattoo

>The teardrop tattoo or tear tattoo is a symbolic tattoo of a tear that is placed underneath the eye. The teardrop is one of the most widely recognised prison tattoos and has various meanings. It can signify that the wearer has spent time in prison, or more specifically that the wearer was raped while incarcerated and tattooed by the rapist as a "property" mark and for humiliation, since facial tattoos cannot be concealed. The tattoo is sometimes worn by the female companions of prisoners in solidarity with their loved ones.

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BurghPuppies t1_j65wjj8 wrote

Yeah, you know, I trust Wikipedia 100%… especially for unsourced unverifiable cultural data. But I’m sticking with the meaning I’ve always heard, which is that the wearer unaligned people, either intentionally or accidentally.


Net_Link_Runner t1_j650h3a wrote

Haha well it used to mean you killed someone in prison, not sure when that changed. How embarrassing.


Net_Link_Runner t1_j650vuf wrote

Yikes, that tattoo went from scary to fairy real fast. Lol.


ZucchiniZak t1_j6564ii wrote

You're such a normal person


Net_Link_Runner t1_j6572fv wrote

Go hug a tree, greener...


Tweed_Kills t1_j65uand wrote

Holy shit! I've been looking for years, trawling the internet in search of this! The single dumbest insult on the internet! Congratulations!