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pillingz t1_j6ig1p1 wrote

This “news” piece that you linked actually made me laugh. That was scare tactics 101. Also that’s the same Vikings playoff game. They replayed the same video you linked earlier. Shit got rowdy for sure and wasn’t great but we are FAR FAR from the only team to act like that. I haven’t seen a single video like that about last nights game? Maybe I just haven’t seen them.

I would like to reiterate. I love Pittsburgh. I speak highly of it to anyone I meet. I root for the Steelers when the eagles are out.

Here’s fromlast night.

You’re right though. Hostile.

Edit to add some links.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_j6j5mcv wrote

“Please provide proof of other teams fans being assholes”

Proceeds to link videos to Eagles fans being assholes 🤦‍♂️

I hope you’re not a lawyer!


pillingz t1_j6jkxd2 wrote

If you think those two links are no more then friendly banter DURING A PLAYOFF GAME FOR THE SUPERBOWL then I think you probably should stay away from Philadelphia. I think maybe you should stay away from sports.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_j6l1ea0 wrote

You’re only proving how immature you are. Kids giving strangers middle fingers has nothing to do with sports. Sports are competitive and athletic. Having your kid flip off a stranger isn’t even creative or funny. It’s just dumb.

If that’s something you feel the need to get behind and support, I feel bad for you. Sports are a lot more enjoyable when you focus on the game, not bullying strangers who you have no idea what they’re going through. By all means, talk shit and flip off your friends. I do that but I know how they are and what’s going on in their life.