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1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j6mkiln wrote

I respect you for being willing to be open to experiences you've been told are bad. The 2A isn't supposed to be political, it's for everyone. Remember, it doesn't give you the right as much as it denies the government the power against you. That's what virtually all the constitution and bill of rights does... limits the government to ensure a free people.

Also hit up r/PAGuns... you'll find that the politics is mainly pushed by those who serve to gain from discord. The Firearms community is overwhelmingly helpful and very pro- even people with different opinions or ethnicities because like I said before, it's not political.


_smojface OP t1_j6mlqbx wrote

Oh yeah. I have my own thoughts on 2A. My guess is that the founding fathers wanted to ensure that what they did to the indigenous people here couldn’t be done again to them.

I’ve read up on black gun clubs and think it’s smart for everyone to have at least a working knowledge of guns and the laws around them.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j6mn9s6 wrote

You're not 100% wrong... it was also used to keep slaves.

There was also a time when women couldn't vote, but we didn't throw out democracy as the answer, we ensured they had the right and ability as well... we didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
