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WheelyMcFeely t1_j6nkbp1 wrote

Yup, all of this is great info for anyone looking into it. Also, I’m not trying to scare anyone away but for any newer people going, please be extremely aware of your surroundings. SGL 203 is much safer than a lot of the other state ranges, but there’s always a chance that the person next to you is learning as well or maybe just a purposefully ignorant person who doesn’t care about the rules. If you see something unsafe, let the person know. If they refuse to stop doing whatever they’re doing, move to a different part of the range or come back another time. My rule of thumb was to only go on weekdays when it was the least busy.


NSlocal t1_j6nvtpd wrote

Yes, I have left after observing yahoo behavior. In all fairness, it's come a long way in terms of the type of person who frequents the range now.