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Accomplished-Pen4934 t1_j6nq0tu wrote

Well your point is null- as he didn’t walk up to a group of people.

He asked a question to the general Pittsburgh subreddit explaining what they’re trying to avoid.

Your point might be applicable say, if he actually walked up to a group of people at the gun range and said that. But alas- were on the internet. And he didn’t walk up to anyone.


JonMiller724 t1_j6nqeyd wrote

We can disagree on this but since you are being extremely literal and not interpretive, given that I typed my point, it is not null. You could claim it is invalid, but even that seems to be a bit of a far reach.


Accomplished-Pen4934 t1_j6nr8mr wrote

I’m not sure you understand what OP is trying to avoid. Perhaps it’s because you haven’t been to a gun range before, it certainly sounds like you have not.


JonMiller724 t1_j6nrr45 wrote

I have been to a gun range and own a gun.

I am making a small leap, but I am assuming the OP is looking to avoid an anti-left, right wing gun range or gun club.

That said, 90% or more of ranges lean that way and will be hard to find one that doesn’t especially further into the south hills.

It would be best for the OP to find proper instruction and focus less on political beliefs.


Gladhands t1_j6o1e9x wrote

Or maybe, it’s incredibly unnerving to be around heavily armed people who consider you their enemy?


JonMiller724 t1_j6o34pf wrote

Yes but why announce that you are the enemy when they would be none the wiser? The topic could have been avoided entirely.