Submitted by _smojface t3_10pwunt in pittsburgh

I’m a socialist that lives in the South Hills. I’m from a large city and was always told that guns are bad, but I think it’s a skill I should have. Is there anywhere/anyone here that can teach me the basics? I don’t want it to be my identity, just something to know. Ideally someplace or person that doesn’t want to talk politics. Asking a lot i know…



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DeleteSystem33 t1_j6mjje5 wrote

You can come with me up to the Wexford state game lands range next time I go up on a nice day if you want, I have a wide range of guns from .22lr pistols to a suppressed .300Blackout AR15, and the only politics I'll discuss are the things you need to be aware of as far as laws and keeping yourself legal


krayhayft t1_j6mke6y wrote

Guns aren't bad, people that misuse guns are bad.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j6mkiln wrote

I respect you for being willing to be open to experiences you've been told are bad. The 2A isn't supposed to be political, it's for everyone. Remember, it doesn't give you the right as much as it denies the government the power against you. That's what virtually all the constitution and bill of rights does... limits the government to ensure a free people.

Also hit up r/PAGuns... you'll find that the politics is mainly pushed by those who serve to gain from discord. The Firearms community is overwhelmingly helpful and very pro- even people with different opinions or ethnicities because like I said before, it's not political.


whatsgoingwrongnext t1_j6mkwea wrote

Keystone shooting center will rent you a firearm and they have classes and training. Don't know what their prices are, but you could look them or their number up and try to find out.


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j6mkyzw wrote

I'd go sign up for a gun safety class somewhere and don't engage in talking politics and you should be fine


KentuckYSnow t1_j6mlf10 wrote

Do you want to learn how to use a handgun, shotgun, rifle? Anthony Arms in west Mifflin has a basic handgun class, and a variety of pistols they let you use in their basement range if you purchase their over priced ammunition.


_smojface OP t1_j6mlqbx wrote

Oh yeah. I have my own thoughts on 2A. My guess is that the founding fathers wanted to ensure that what they did to the indigenous people here couldn’t be done again to them.

I’ve read up on black gun clubs and think it’s smart for everyone to have at least a working knowledge of guns and the laws around them.


mactaggart t1_j6mltsn wrote

I have a friend who is a young guy, certified trainer and absolutely the guy you’re looking for. Send me a DM if you want an intro. I think he charged me ~$120 to take my wife to the range for 2 hours and finished with the exam. She had only shot once in her life before that.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j6mn9s6 wrote

You're not 100% wrong... it was also used to keep slaves.

There was also a time when women couldn't vote, but we didn't throw out democracy as the answer, we ensured they had the right and ability as well... we didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.


glasstomouth45 t1_j6mnbw1 wrote

You’re going to want to hold it as sideways as possible.


JonMiller724 t1_j6mp005 wrote

Heading to a gun range and the first three words out of your mouth being “I’m a socialist” would be a bad idea.


_smojface OP t1_j6mqk0n wrote

Good question. I never really thought about it like that, which I’m sure shows my ignorance. I guess a rifle? I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve needed a handgun (knock on wood), but my family always went hunting in Wisconsin and came back with venison for the freezer


BeMancini t1_j6mtuaj wrote

Try to find a couple of indoor ranges where you can rent a gun. Range USA just opened in Robinson (I haven’t been yet), but I know there are a few more out there. Most of the time the people there will guide you if you tell them it’s your first time. They’ll tell you the best firearm to start with, show you how it works, and give you the basics on safe handling.

In addition, start googling PA gun laws. Even if you don’t plan on purchasing one right away, it’s good to familiarize yourself with what the laws in Pennsylvania are when compared to other states.


Shepton1234 t1_j6munlj wrote

Keystone shooting center in mars has classes. I’ve taken their pistol class and it’s excellent. You learn how to properly handle a firearm then you go shoot.


desolation-of-frog t1_j6mvglk wrote

Take a safety class somewhere first. Take it seriously, take notes, think on it. If and when you encounter someone at the range, hunting, or anywhere else that does not take safety seriously then run like hell away from them. Anyone who ignores gun safety should be an instant de-friending.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_j6mw3dc wrote

My husband is a former marine, but we are extremely liberal. He’s planing on taking me and my brother to the range soon (we are both gun newbies) and getting us up to speed on the basics. If you have any interest in tagging along let me know…We’re 34,36,and 37 years old respectively and give no shits about talking politics.


_smojface OP t1_j6mwyu4 wrote

Long story extremely short, I had a cousin that was like 10 when he tragically shot himself when on a hunting trip with his dad and my uncle. Really messed up the family. That’s the main reason I’ve never wanted to have a gun around my house


ToonMaster21 t1_j6mx7ou wrote

Since you are asking, I’ll answer. To legally carry a handgun, you just need a concealed carry permit (CCP). To get one, you literally just fill out a form and take it to the courthouse. No training, instructions, or exam required.

So yes, legally, you can go buy a firearm and then be licensed to conceal carry it without any knowledge on how to use it. Big yikes.

Edit: as someone pointed out, you can carry non-concealed without a permit. Yes, that is true.


livefast_dieawesome t1_j6my6w9 wrote

My wife and I went to keystone for their class and purchased from them. We are also leftists. Going in I was on guard to keep my politics to myself and braced to hear things I disagreed with but keep my head down so I could just get what I needed out of the place and gtfo. They didn’t get political except when someone in the class asked about gun laws in surrounding states if he was traveling with his gun and the guy running the class started in on New York being “communist city USA” but he didn’t elaborate a ton on “the commies” at least.


CL-MotoTech t1_j6mywkx wrote

Shooting guns is a lot fun. I am fairly (really) liberal. I grew up shooting guns. My father is pretty much a crazy leftist. He inherited guns, we still get together to shoot guns. I do not see any need for having a gun on me when I go to the grocery store or anything like that. I do however really enjoy the gun hobby. Nothing wrong with trying it out! Especially with good supervision!


Barely_illegalish t1_j6mzfv6 wrote

Another lefty gun guy here. Check out r/socialistRA and r/liberalgunowners for some likeminded folks. The Pittsburgh chapter of the SRA seems to be pretty active, and I became a member, though haven’t used them as much as I should.


EpsilonNueve t1_j6n2wxo wrote

Why? Trying to seize the means of production!?


DrB_477 t1_j6n4my2 wrote

I have taken the intro class at Keystone and will vouch for it. You spend some time in a classroom type setting and then go to their indoor range. You can bring your own gun or use one of theirs. There will likely be many people there who have never handled a gun before. No political topics were discussed.


PhotoCropDuster t1_j6n4n97 wrote

If you haven’t talked to the commenter yet, to use PA state game lands you either have to buy a hunting or trapping license, or you can buy a game lands range license from the states website. Very easy and just print and keep it on you when you go


321fishing123 t1_j6n4wfw wrote

West mifflin has a pistol range where you can pay for lessons


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j6n5ixd wrote

I grew up in a more rural area, so CCP was more the norm than the exception, but even the Sheriff's Office staff raised a few eyebrows when someone's doddering old granny came in to get a permit so she could (I kid you not) carry her Dirty Harry .357 Magnum around.


millerwelds66 t1_j6n5n1u wrote

The Pitcairn sportsman club they support nazi rally’s and have a very fine shooting range they are also open every day of the week .


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j6n5wkx wrote

I've unfortunately had the opposite experience. Inevitably, when I enter a shop, some asshole is crowing about "his freedums!" and generally being belligerent.

I'm sure a lot of shop owners don't want that rep, but they also don't want to tell some guy who drops a lot of money to feed his prepper fantasy to shut the fuck up, either.


skumps814 t1_j6n6t3n wrote

I’ve been wanting to get a small gun for home defense. I live near the house that was broken into two times in two days in Bloomfield recently. When someone’s in your house what are you gonna do if you’re not armed.


numberonealcove t1_j6n9s54 wrote

I'm a lefty gun owner in Churchill (45m). I was basically in your position five years ago. Then the Trump election happened and it occurred to me that if the only people who owned and knew how to handle guns were far Right wing types, we'd be in trouble as a country.

The basic safety course from Keystone isn't a bad suggestion. My wife and I did that one. It did what it says on the tin. It also has the benefit of being an established business, not requiring you to meet up with internet strangers for the express purpose of shooting guns.

I'm a member of a private range out in Murrysville that I go to a couple times a month, usually weekend mornings. If nothing else works from the suggestions here, DM me and you can tag along.


beckerszzz t1_j6nayfk wrote

I'm sure other places do it, but A&S pistol range in Youngwood does a handgun safety course that teaches you how to shoot. My dad has me take it at 12 since I didn't want to hunt.


couplenippers t1_j6nb8xk wrote

Well if I had that happen I would probably just leave, like I said I’ve never had that experience, and just to clarify, I’m about as center politically as it gets, if there was an actual libertarian party candidate that would probably be me. I’m all for gun registration, insurance, mandatory training which PA requires none, and so on, I’m pro second amendment but hardly a Nazi


g8rnuk t1_j6ncao8 wrote

Please don't. When socialists play with guns millions of people die.


couplenippers t1_j6nd3dd wrote

Well I don’t know any Nazis, apparently you do. People joke about the average Reddit user being 19, but maybe you are not even that old. Your political naïveté is cute, but honestly if you don’t want to be able to defend yourself against the coming Nazi invasion, no problem bro. The most ironic part, and this probably escaped you, is it was you that went political


RattusRattus t1_j6nda6u wrote

First I read that as .38, which I personally find too much of hand cannon to hit anything with, then I reread it.

I actually need a place to shoot myself, so I'm checking this thread. General good advice is to keep your guns squeaky clean and practice frequently. For safety gear, there are people that make custom ear plugs, but the muffs aren't bad either.

Good luck! And remember, squeeze trigger.


WheelyMcFeely t1_j6ndavq wrote

I’m a bit out of the way up here in Beaver County but if you ever want to try the spread of .22lr pistol up to a full power rifle just hit me up! Guest fee at my range is only 5 bucks and it’s a pretty nice facility (BVRPC). I bring out new people all the time who either want to get into guns or just want to know how to safely operate one. Offer’s out to anyone, really. I think it’s important to know how to properly clear and render a gun safe regardless of politics.


imouttahereta t1_j6nfxxz wrote

I'm Jewish and my family emigrated to escape Nazism, and I find people like you who hallucinate Nazis everywhere to be absolutely insufferable. You think you're so cool and brave standing up to political extremism when all you're doing is helping trivialize it until no one takes it seriously anymore. I'd sooner be friends with Kanye West than with a so-called anti-fascist.


WheelyMcFeely t1_j6nhzpf wrote

Yeah a compact .380 is a decent all-rounder. I’d recommend them to not go any smaller than something like an M&P Shield EZ though because once you get into pocket pistol territory they just get to be plain uncomfortable to shoot well.


NSlocal t1_j6ni56c wrote

I have been going to the PA Game Lands off of 910 near Wexford for 25 years. You will either have to have a valid PA hinting license which costs $20 and runs from July 1 through June 30 or you get a range permit.

I usually opt for the license because I can get it at most places that sell ammo. You are allowed to take one guest. You must have eye protection and some sort of hearing protection is a must. No more than 6 rounds at a time. Though it isn't always the case, wardens do pop in on people from time to time.

Be respectful, observe safe handling practices, and have your license/range permit handy. Also, clean up your brass.


MaybeADumbass t1_j6nibgw wrote

The sole purpose of .380 is for tiny, super concealable guns. It makes absolutely zero sense for home defense.

It's also worth noting that these tiny pocket pistols are very difficult to shoot accurately and are generally not good for beginners.


nevans89 t1_j6nje1u wrote

Makes more sense than a baseball bat but i get you. With the right training and practice any firearm can be accurate especially in a house where, unless op has a mansion, long distance accuracy shouldn't be an issue. But like I said it's just my recommendation. My wife has a 380 and I have a S&W xd40 so to each their own. For a beginner I'd argue it's a good top 3 contender


BeeBanandee t1_j6njf1b wrote

Anyone have experience at Elite Firearms. I have been looking into my first shooting class as well and am in the same boat as the poster. Elite is closest to me, but Robinson isn't far either.


motociclista t1_j6njjsy wrote

I’m so happy to hear there’s more people like me. I wouldn’t classify myself as a “lefty” per se, but I’m definitely left of center and I’m pretty much a hard core liberal whatever compared to most of the “gun culture”. I grew up rural and have been hunting, shooting and owning guns my whole life. I stopped hunting about the time I realized that hunting usually takes place early in the morning when it’s cold, and those are two things I’m not a fan of. But I still own guns and like to shoot. I’m licensed to carry a gun, but rarely do.


WheelyMcFeely t1_j6nkbp1 wrote

Yup, all of this is great info for anyone looking into it. Also, I’m not trying to scare anyone away but for any newer people going, please be extremely aware of your surroundings. SGL 203 is much safer than a lot of the other state ranges, but there’s always a chance that the person next to you is learning as well or maybe just a purposefully ignorant person who doesn’t care about the rules. If you see something unsafe, let the person know. If they refuse to stop doing whatever they’re doing, move to a different part of the range or come back another time. My rule of thumb was to only go on weekdays when it was the least busy.


Mike39050 t1_j6nkfcy wrote

Keystone Shooting Center in Mars is a good place to check out


unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nkjbx wrote

I am a strong proponent for left-wing gun ownership. Game theory, homie.


soupsoup1326 t1_j6nkqtk wrote

I’d also be happy to take you to the State Game Lands range in Wexford, or Keystone Shooting Center in Cranberry and teach you gun safety and how to operate firearms. A bit of a hike from the South Hills unfortunately, but DM me if you’re interested.

If you want to pursue it further a class wouldn’t be a bad idea, but I can teach you how to be safe and get started.


mszinnialange t1_j6nmeck wrote

My husband and I are also south hills leftists trying to learn how to shoot, preferably by/with people who aren't outwardly reactionary. As the black sheep from a *very* right wing family, I know how these people think. I can differentiate between conservatives who respectfully disagree with me, and legitimately terrifying chuds who want to blast trans people into space and beat up "antifa commies". It is completely understandable that someone wouldn't want to share range space with the latter. It is also either naive or disingenuous to claim "not talking politics" will deter their hostility.


soupsoup1326 t1_j6nn5cy wrote

This is true, however if you already have the necessary license or permit (which I’m assuming the OC does), you are allowed to bring one guest so OP shouldn’t “need” one.

However, a range permit only costs $31.97 for a year per the Game Commission website and that money supports local wildlife and habitat conservation so you’re not wasting your money if you get one anyways. Hunting licenses are a little cheaper but require the completion of an online hunter safety course. More info about PA State Game Lands Range use can be found here.


bastardish t1_j6nojdk wrote

Not sure this has been answered - but do you know whether you want to learn how to shoot for practical knowledge purposes or do you have other goals, like home defense?

If home defense, I'd strongly suggest taking a full pistol course. To be completely honest, in most urban/suburban settings - your best plan is to just get out of the house unless you are regularly training with your pistol and have the trained, controlled response you need so you don't accidently plug your SO, kid or (heavens forbid) a dog whilst trying to protect them.

If practical - dude, there are few things as fun as going and pinging .22lr rifles...the ammo and the guns are super cheap. Except in close range personal protection, the rifle is also going to solve your "what if I need to shoot food/zombies" late night worries...with far more accuracy and range. The AR-15 is actually a great all-round rifle to have in your safe.

My suggestion is to take a course from a professional. Do a safety course. You've been given a number of options. Then decide what you want to do from there.

Buy a safe before you buy a gun.

*Ensure you have a close friend who you can talk to if you need to not have your guns for a while, and you have another location to store them in case you ever don't feel safe having them for a time.*

The State Game Lands are great, annual pass is $31.97:

Guns are fun, and one of our great liberties - from a one lefty to another - enjoy!


steelcityrocker t1_j6noun7 wrote

I've been going to Range USA in Robinson. They do offer classes and also have rental guns, however shooters are unable to use rentals their first time their first time there.

They are a corporate chain and I haven't seen/heard any political stuff come from any of the staff any of the times Ive been there which I find pretty nice.


TheApprentice19 t1_j6np6g5 wrote

Go to the sporting good store, buy a gun and go to a range. Always keep your finger off the trigger unless you are ready to fire, always keep the barrel pointed in a safe direction, treat every gun as if it’s loaded until you check the action.


Hatallica t1_j6npn63 wrote

Lots of kind people here, but I am inclined to suggest a professional course that covers safety, legality, and proficiency. You need all three to handle a weapon in a responsible manner.


JonMiller724 t1_j6npo3q wrote

I have. What’s your point?

My point is, I don’t think walking into a group of strangers and the first three words out of your mouth are proclaiming your political position is a good idea especially in an area of known opposition to your political beliefs.


WheelyMcFeely t1_j6npv0b wrote

The NRA offers cheap liability insurance to shooting ranges as a way to pull in more membership money. A lot of us younger members at my club are getting fed up with it, though. If I find a link to the actual program I’ll forward it.


Accomplished-Pen4934 t1_j6nq0tu wrote

Well your point is null- as he didn’t walk up to a group of people.

He asked a question to the general Pittsburgh subreddit explaining what they’re trying to avoid.

Your point might be applicable say, if he actually walked up to a group of people at the gun range and said that. But alas- were on the internet. And he didn’t walk up to anyone.


thereandfatagain t1_j6nqo18 wrote

Gee bud I hope you find that ever elusive………………… in Pennsylvania to teach you about guns LOL this fucking post


BillyEnzin69 t1_j6nra12 wrote

Wanna go hit up the public range some Saturday? I have various hunting rifles, plus we can shoot my custom built flintlock musket or my original 1812 musket. The only things we have to talk about are gun safety and shooting skills.


JonMiller724 t1_j6nrr45 wrote

I have been to a gun range and own a gun.

I am making a small leap, but I am assuming the OP is looking to avoid an anti-left, right wing gun range or gun club.

That said, 90% or more of ranges lean that way and will be hard to find one that doesn’t especially further into the south hills.

It would be best for the OP to find proper instruction and focus less on political beliefs.


Kingjerm731 t1_j6nvpzr wrote

I belong to keystone and I like it. They’re pretty chill. Never met anyone that’s gonna force some shit down your throat that you don’t agree with. Also, look at it as a way to meet some people, that you normally wouldn’t be around. You might be surprised how helpful and kind someone that you might think of as an enemy can be. Good luck out there. ‘Murica


imouttahereta t1_j6nvxmb wrote

What does a march in Charlottesville that occurred years ago have to do with gun ranges in Pittsburgh, exactly? Assuming that is the event you are referring to.

Might as well stay locked up inside because a serial killer might be roaming around your neighbourhood.


caponmyhead t1_j6ny6l9 wrote

I have a membership for an indoor range up in Ross/cranberry area. It'd be $10/hr for you, but otherwise I'd be more than happy to take you and teach you some stuff. I'm hoping to become instructor certified one day, and I have a lot of experience around guns. I think it'd be a cool opportunity! I have no interest in discussing politics either, lol.


Small-Possibility665 t1_j6ny86t wrote

Don’t want to talk politics, but politics is the thing you open with.. interesting tactic


chefmarksamson t1_j6o13ui wrote

Be fully honest with yourself. Is it really laughably impossible to imagine how someone who is 1) new to gun ownership, 2) doesn’t come from a family or community that teaches you how to handle guns and gets you used to being around gun enthusiasts, and/or 3) is visibly from a class of people that SOME conservatives have a problem being around (people of color, LGBTQ people, stereotypical “blue haired liberals,” or whatever) might feel uncomfortable or even threatened just popping into your local gun store or rolling in at Wexford like “hey guys, I want to shoot with you, but I don’t know what I’m doing”?


imouttahereta t1_j6o71y6 wrote

I can see how it might be interpreted that way. To be clear, I would agree that it is on the rise, but in my opinion the "anti-Nazi" movement (the nonsensical name-calling and dehumanizing of the right wing) is not helping with it at all, and in fact I would argue that it is creating more anti-semitism.


Gcheetah t1_j6o7fpt wrote

Hey man if you go far enough left you become pro gun again


MaybeADumbass t1_j6okl75 wrote

That's much more reasonable. .380 is a weaker cartridge; it's most powerful loadings are a little more than half the energy of the most powerful 9mm loadings. The advantage of .380 ACP is that it is small and can fit into some really small guns.

As a general rule, though, small guns are harder to fire. The shorter barrel and smaller mass mean felt recoil is much greater. The short barrel also creates a poor sight picture (and most of these pocket pistols barely have sights to begin with) making it much harder to be accurate.

This carries through to small guns of any caliber. A Glock 17 is generally going to be much easier to shoot accurately than an ultracompact Sig p365, so generally for home defense you are going to prefer a duty weapon like the Glock 17 over a carry weapon like the p365. Everyone has their own preferences, though, so you need to figure out what works for you. E.g. I have small hands and the p365 fits like it was designed for me, while I often have a hard time reaching controls on full sized guns (I need two hands to release the slide on my G40). I've been more accurate with the p365 since the second time I shot it than any other handgun, so despite being a small carry gun it's also my choice for home defense.

My advice is to go to a shop that also has a range and rents firearms. Spend some time trying out a few different 9mm handguns and pick the one that you do the best with. Larger ones are generally going to be more appropriate for home defense, but the most appropriate gun is the one you've shot enough to be very familiar with.

There's also the argument that you should consider a shotgun or AR for home defense. I'm not going to make an argument either way, but some info to consider: With Shotguns in particular you need to be concerned about over-penetration (what's on the other side of the wall behind the bad guy you're planning to shoot?) and they can be a challenge to train with as a lot of indoor ranges do not allow them. Training is necessary, though, because it's really easy to short stroke (especially in a stressful situation) and cause a malfunction. At the same time, they are far more forgiving when it comes to accuracy, and their power means one hit is much more likely to stop a bad guy. With an AR chambered in .223/5.56, overpenetration is less of a concern as the rounds tend to fragment when they hit something solid, but the increased size/barrel length can be harder to handle indoors (much like a shotgun). ARs with shorter, "pistol" barrels exist, but the ATF is changing the rules around these and you're better off waiting until the dust has settled.


Puzzleheaded-Day9136 t1_j6oot8r wrote

You can’t possess a firearm if you have a medical marijuana card anywhere in the United States. You have to attest to not being an unlawful marijuana user to pass the background check for a firearm purchase, and medical marijuana is illegal in the U.S., so anyone with a medical card is an unlawful user.

It’s complete nonsense and won’t be unfucked until we legalize it federally.


circumvention23 t1_j6oqemv wrote

My wife and I went in summer 2020 when covid was still a pretty big deal.

We wore masks and the guy told us we didn't have to because "when God decides it's my time to go, I'll go."

He went on to discuss the importance of owning a gun to put you in a position to save your own life.

Pretty funny stuff.


Tricky_Whereas_3450 t1_j6or5s6 wrote

Kinda concerned that you start the conversation with... I'm socialist... and you don't want to talk politics.


skumps814 t1_j6ove3o wrote

Excellent comment. Luckily I have a friend who’s also knowledgeable on these things and he’s gonna take me to Allegheny arms sometime soon to check some stuff out. I appreciate all the info!


Dangerous_Cookie4303 t1_j6owalr wrote

Not really interested in teaching a self proclaimed socialist, how to stand against the United states


cosmonotic t1_j6pdioi wrote

Leave Pittsburgh in any direction and you’re in the most gun/hunting friendly areas in the US