Submitted by SrCouchSpecialist t3_10pqp47 in pittsburgh

The title pretty much explains it. I haven’t received any mail or packages in just over 2 months. I have ordered a new debit card and various random Amazon purchases and none of them have came. I don’t really know what is going on but I’d love to fix it, is anyone else having/have had this problem? I went on the USPS website to check maybe I needed to file a change of address, but it lists the address as vacant. I am so confused, is there just a giant pile of my mail at the post office or something? I’ve gotten mail here before.



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kimbecile t1_j6m8qwn wrote

Go in to your local branch and talk to them.


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j6mjqey wrote

This. Do this first. Ask to talk to the supervisor there. Someone will help you.

And as someone else suggested, sign up for informed delivery so you can see what should be coming.


JustYourNeighbor t1_j6m23b2 wrote

I had a similiar problem so I did a little experiment (btw, calling and reporting it didn't help). I sent myself a letter with tracking. It was a wild ride watching it slowly not get to my house. It finally made it after about 21 days, but that seemed to do the trick. You can also try return receipt requested but only if you're home during the day.


SrCouchSpecialist OP t1_j6m3ezv wrote

How do you do the return receipt?


JustYourNeighbor t1_j6m47xh wrote

First, sign up for Informed Delivery right now. That will e-mail you a pic of mail coming to your house. For return receipt requested, you actually have to go into the post office and fill out a form


mfd418 t1_j6m50o0 wrote

Do you check and empty your mailbox regularly? If you let your box fill up or if it hasn't been picked up in 10 days, it's possible the regular marked it as vacant. All mail would have been pulled and held at the office for 10 days before being returned to the sender. You need to go down to the office that serves you and let them know that your address isn't vacant and what good names are for your address. It sounds like you got marked vacant for not keeping the box empty.


Eco-freako t1_j6mrugs wrote

Could be that the mail service was shut down on your street or at your address. Sometimes the post office shuts down service because of aggressive people, dogs, or other dangerous situations like icy walkways, collapsing stairs or porches, etc. Your mail might be at the post office, waiting for you. Bring a bag or two.


djohnny_mclandola t1_j6n697o wrote

You can file lost package inquiries, or I guess you can keep waiting… maybe see if it resolves itself after a few more months. /s


Live_Yourdreams t1_j6nsdyp wrote

Agree with others' comments about signing up for Informed Delivery and checking in person at your local post office.

For Amazon - you should receive emails when packages are shipped. If you get a tracking number for your package, you can go to the corresponding website (USPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) and see the status of your package. If your package is delivered by Amazon itself, you can track the status on your Amazon order page.


Sunfish-Studio t1_j6o04ul wrote

USPS has been awful getting my stuff to me too. My entire apartment building went almost 2 weeks without letters because the delivery man lost the key (I know this because he flagged me down after that time as I was entering rhe building to hold the door for him). Missing bills, packages, paychecks, etc. My last paycheck was torn down the side too. And between my building and the sister apartment building we get packages delivered to the wrong place constantly. I find myself usually once a week or so bringing packages from our building to the other one or they'll just sit there.

Only real solution is to go to your building and ask directly for your stuff. I even offered to buy the postman a replacement key but they didn't take it


MT3-7-77 t1_j6n1wch wrote

If you just moved, you need to tell your post office you moved into your new place. We don't read minds and forwards affect the mail received at your old address.

If you have lived there, sounds like you never emptied your box frequently so the carrier sent all your stuff back.

End of the day it's on you to take care of your belongings and the carrier is doing their job. Hope this helps


[deleted] t1_j6mawpo wrote

Give the mailman $20 and tell him to change to Occupied and your last name.
