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__she__wolf t1_j6lr4vd wrote

Big Jim’s.


JustYourNeighbor t1_j6m2edf wrote

Word of warning, don't order a Busch Light at the bar or the bar tender will go to the person sitting nearest you and talk about how real men order Iron City while looking directly at you.


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j6mfu7o wrote

Magic Pittsburgh moment


CL-MotoTech t1_j6mjxem wrote

I actually want to experience that. It sounds awesome!


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j6mkfli wrote

Also, in the pantheon of shitty beers, ic light has to be a few places higher (better) that Busch light And if not, iconic shitty beers >>> Busch light.

Even hipsters don't drink Busch light ironically.


CL-MotoTech t1_j6ml11j wrote

I agree totally. I don't really drink much beer anymore, but for a long time PBR was my go to. I know the Pabst family, but when PBR became cool it blew me away. Asides from knowing the family, I always thought it was just a decent dirt cheap beer. Busch was awful and remains awful. IC is somewhere in-between the two for me.


Hayk t1_j6mlcn2 wrote

They must keep Busch Light on the menu solely as a test of character.


StickyRicky17 t1_j6nv375 wrote

The jukebox also has Pet Shop Boys, and Seal for a similar test.


DarkKnyt t1_j6mikjq wrote

Very specific...but you'll find this at food for thought and Ritter's on a weekday morning.


realmacaronni t1_j6n4ozk wrote

Bob at Food For Thought is one of the best people in Pittsburgh. He's what people mean when they say Pittsburgh is friendly


grand_apothecary t1_j6myxrc wrote

This, I've experienced this. Waitress has everyone's orders memorized.


TwinkiePower420 t1_j6o9vm4 wrote

Was gonna say, this is exactly what Food for Thought was like when I was there


MCRNRearAdmiral t1_j6mjqjs wrote

Out of state, but I’m very proud to admit that my paternal grandfather got into a fistfight at Hardee’s (aka Carl’s Jr.) with one of his coffee and breakfast sandwich buddies, who was a retired cop, a little over ten years ago. They both were about 80 at the time, and I understand that whatever the subject they fought about, it was pretty stupid.

My uncles were pretty upset about Gramps getting 86d from Hardee’s for the day. We grandkids had no such hang-ups.


jimbo_kun t1_j6mu7hg wrote

If you speak Italian, then it’s playing cards at La Prima in the Strip.


AlfieHitchcock t1_j6mtvzy wrote

"Am not actually an old man, but want to live the lifestyle"

Thank you for this!

Also I've heard old dudes talk about Peppi's.


MrChichibadman t1_j6mfai0 wrote

Allegheny sandwich shop


NSlocal t1_j6n9gsr wrote

I just read it will close this year, bummer.


Ryan1006 t1_j6nahps wrote

It’s not closing, the chef bought it and will run it.

I’ve never been but I have some older friends from a Facebook Group that are regulars there, they use it as a place to get together and talk. This is exactly the place you are looking for from what I can tell.


NSlocal t1_j6nbplv wrote

That's good news, it was hard losing Bier's.


SearchingDeepSpace t1_j6oa9a3 wrote

Hopefully quality returns to what it was; always loved going there but the past few times the food has been lacking. Sad homefries and overdone steaks cooked in A1 :/


ilikedirt t1_j6mf5qi wrote

Eat n Park. Sometimes I go to the one in my neighborhood during a weekday lunch time, and it’s full of people who seem to know each other and the servers seem to know them. It’s adorable. Aside from that, hardware stores! Also check the library, there’s usually events like history talks, knitting groups, board game nights, etc etc. It’s not sandwiches but it’s good community engagement!


skumps814 t1_j6n82gc wrote

I always see old Italian dudes at the bar of pleasure bar in Bloomfield, I would never dare to try to participate


MorningCrickets t1_j6mitrn wrote

Frisch’s in caste village. I know it’s not in the city, but everything else fits the op’s needs to a tee!


cooleymahn t1_j6nnjij wrote

Man that place really does fit the bill. Grew up in baldwin and it’s always drawn the same demographic. Meeting a client there for dinner tonight actually!


MorningCrickets t1_j6nszfz wrote

Yeah this is the most “local old dude” place my father in law ever took me. And he’s been to all of them!


Brak710 t1_j6nzq1k wrote

I strongly believe their pizza is some of the best in Pittsburgh. Their fresh cut pepperoni is great.


matty_m t1_j6mzihu wrote

Go to any McDonald’s from 7-9am, and you will get the experience you are seeking.


VeloEvoque t1_j6nj59q wrote

Smoke N Brews is a cigar shop in Bloomfield that has some of the best corn beef sandwiches in Pittsburgh. And, as is the custom, a cigar shop has no shortage of chatty old men.


Yomama-22 t1_j6nsnjo wrote

St. Barnabas . It’s coming soon enough, don’t rush it, grandpa.


9706_ t1_j6niw84 wrote

Frick park market?


notusingforporn118 t1_j6nqf0l wrote

Brother Tom's in sharpsburgh. Swear to God they haven't changed the layout since they opened


Cheshire1871 t1_j6pdcep wrote

Heck, I used to do this in my 20's.


dwhftw t1_j6n3npf wrote

Apollo Cafe


Happy-Scar-1704 t1_j6nf1qm wrote

Your local King’s (if they haven’t shut down yet)


pm_goth_feet_pls t1_j6nmvau wrote

sunny's in bloomfield. i used to work at a fairly laid back place that would give me optional days if the workload wasnt too bad, and any time id get off at noon or a whole day id head down to sunny's with my buddy whom i drove to work and its always filled with boomers in vietnam vet caps. sandwhiches are like okay and if sunny likes u he will bring u free table snacks.


SDMF8766 t1_j6mg98a wrote



StickyRicky17 t1_j6nvnc0 wrote

The Verona Get Go definitely has an old man breakfast club


SDMF8766 t1_j6oqalj wrote

So does the South Park one that is permanently closing after today


[deleted] t1_j6m8sym wrote



1stCaptainSkrall t1_j6naqzn wrote

No no, that's not the same. Nobody in Sheetz talks, they just sit there and watch YouTube videos without headphones until it's time to leave