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Zeppelin7321 t1_j6k8ic0 wrote

"We offer a competitive 401k match just don't get laid off before the deadline to qualify!"

I hope this isn't the beginning of a trend but when given the opportunity to screw over employees, we know which way the wind usually blows.


[deleted] t1_j6kb5vj wrote

Link won't open. I know the basics of this because a family member works for them, but what's the news media reporting? Can I get a TLDR? Curious to see if the news has the whole story.


pghjoker t1_j6kc45m wrote

7% match is nice just make sure you keep your job.


DannyLameJokes t1_j6kcbof wrote

They also previously changed their tuition reimbursement from $18k to like $5k and didn’t make an exception for people already enrolled.

Also one day they announced everyone will have to work an extra half hour a day without a pay increase

Was also told because my position I had to take two weeks vacation at at time. New hires only had ten days vacation for the first few years.

They went 2-3 years without any cost of living increases

Promotions without pay increases. And sometimes would result in becoming exempt and losing money

I’m sure there is some other shitfuckery I’m not remembering. Regret not quitting on my first day when my blowhard director was too important greet the new hires.


Pensfan66595 t1_j6kiror wrote

I keep getting messages from their recruiters. How the heck do they think anyone is itching to work for them right now.


Jumpy-Natural4868 OP t1_j6kl901 wrote

Interesting. I think the two-week rule for people in certain sensitive positions with to make sure that you were gone long enough that you weren't doing anything shady because someone else would have to do your position for 2 weeks and could spot shady activity.


cmatthews11 t1_j6knia0 wrote

Garbage policy. I'm sure you have to still be working there during the distribution of the match, not just through December 31st too.


flesh2012 t1_j6koh3l wrote

It depends on position or department in the bank. Those positions are for “high risk”. They make you take two weeks off once a year to help insure you aren’t doing anything illegal that can be caught when you aren’t there to do it.


dank8844 t1_j6korj3 wrote

Banks sold it as a rule, but it was a recommended safeguard to require 5 consecutive days. Worked in the Hr department of one of the other large banks in Pittsburgh and we had to navigate this issue while I was there


CARLEtheCamry t1_j6l1qti wrote

Talk about insult to injury, they're taking (up to) just 6% off someone you just laid off's salary if they lay them off.

Like not just lay you off, but setting back your retirement savings a year for a figure of 6% of their salary which is peanuts even relative to the salary itself that they will be saving.

They could write this into an episode of the Simpsons as something Mr. Burns would do.


Jumpy-Natural4868 OP t1_j6l38n4 wrote

Unfortunately federal law allows this to be done. I don't think it specifics states when employer match funds need to be given.


ArgyllFire t1_j6laa22 wrote

It's basically whether or not you have access to input/approve financial transactions (wires mostly).

Also, if I recall correctly they did increase starting vacation to 3-4 weeks a few years ago so I don't think people in sensitive positions have to use full vacation all at once anymore.

Other fuckery mentioned mostly still checks out.


ArgyllFire t1_j6lb0ni wrote

Yeah so additional fun facts: a number of years ago during the last economic downturn the bank decided to only provide raises the following JULY as a "special" cost cutting measure. So it's EOY, you do your review process with your manager. They tell you what your raise will be 7... Months.... From now.

They left this in effect for years. They finally stopped like 2 years ago and started giving us raises in March. Now this 401k fuckery.


Edmeyers01 t1_j6lfwjl wrote

it still makes me laugh that they offered new college grads 35k


selitos t1_j6lkatf wrote

I recently quit, what a weird fucking place. Cheap as hell company, just one of the most miserly companies I've ever worked for. I've worked for some cheap ass companies, but none that reliably make 4b per year. It's not just with pay, it's workspace and technology too.

The Pittsburgh offices are kind of a dump, at least I thought so. Their tech floor was nice but everything else seemed very 90s-esque. Dark, dusty, fake plants everywhere, stacks of boxes, and dilapidated bathrooms. Then you hop on video chat with someone in New York and it's shiny and modern. Even India had a better space.

Technology is a complete joke - shitty data strategy, outsourced IT, and absolutely abysmal intranet and a patchwork of hr systems.

The layoffs are the real kicker. You never feel safe. Working for a cheap company can work for people if you felt safe, like you could just work there for a long time doing 9-5 and not get axed as long as you did your job. They lay people off and prance around on CNBC like it's Goldman but they spend like what I would imagine from a mom and pop tax prep company in Monroeville.

I would advise not working there.


Local_Penalty2078 t1_j6mq8gu wrote

In multiple sensitive positions I've been in at multiple institutions, the rule has always been 5 business days.

A full 2 weeks is excessive. Don't get me wrong - 2 weeks off is nice, but when that's pretty much someone's entire stock of time off that's too much.


Jumpy-Natural4868 OP t1_j6mqzkh wrote

I'm not sure higher pay means you do less sneaky shit, honestly.

I know it's not directly comparable, but there's a study that looked at people stealing office supplies from work, and it's the higher paid people who did that.

I also think it's an access thing -- if you have easy access, you'll be more tempted to do it, no matter what you're paid.

And in terms of altruism, data shows that people who make less money, on average, contribute a higher % of their income to charity than higher wage earners.


thatgirl239 t1_j6mxdzc wrote

I remember when Charlie wanted to completely eliminate WFH. This was pre pandemic but employees who were full time at home were being told they would have to go in office.

And then Charlie left and took a job where he worked from NY even though the company was in LA.

Now BNY wants to do a hybrid schedule, but move everyone to the Ross street building w/shared desks. If you don’t have a desk on a day you come in, they want you to sit on couches.

I was laid off in 2019. I had a very toxic experience and had to take medical leave because my mental health got really screwed up. It was awful.


Corny_Toot t1_j6my1q4 wrote

So, I'm coming from it from the perspective of the lower end of the ranks here. Staff that might not have enough vacation time accrued for this mandatory policy, for example. If they're made whole, I believe there would be a lower risk. That also includes more than pay for sure. That's providing them respect and solid feedback. Making them feel seen, if you get what I'm saying.

It kind of reminds me of loss prevention practices for retail, honestly. Usually, the most effective thing you can do to prevent theft is just saying hello to people. So in this case, it's more being a good manager and touching base with your staff frequently enough that they feel seen, but not too much that they feel smothered.

I think you're right about access, just having access to that information is a risk factor. Everyone's motivation is different. But pay is a crucial factor in reducing risk. It might not help against someone that's already greedy, but it could prevent someone that's just desperate from making a mistake.


thatgirl239 t1_j6my948 wrote

I was laid off in 2019. I knew it was coming and I was just glad it was over. What was nuts was the lead up. It was the Monday after Black Friday. I was supposed to be off Black Friday but had to be logged on most of the day because of someone else not being on deadline. Since I was salary exempt, I just lost the day. Monday comes around, and my boss thanks me for logging on (even though it wasn’t an option). Ask about the upcoming layoffs, she tells me not to worry. Go about my day.

I come back from lunch around 2 PM, when my boss pulls me into a conference room. With her boss and some lady I don’t recognize and a lot of paperwork. I got laid off after working more than half the work day! When I go outside to wait for my ride bc I had to be out of the building immediately, I realize it’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella. Fitting end.


Jumpy-Natural4868 OP t1_j6mzw58 wrote

good recall.

What this means I don't know... (i.e., what the up and downsides are)

For instance, the stock is restricted, so getting equity from it is harder than unrestricted shares. Are they doing this to be nice and "motivate their employees since they now have an ownership stake" or are they doing this b/c it's cheaper than paying them more, and they want to pat themselves on the back that they're being nice to their employees while not giving raises or cutting salaries or jobs?