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Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j6kmzbe wrote

Reply to comment by tesla3by3 in Moving from Dallas? by [deleted]

Keeps non white and/or non wealthy people out (unless they're workers) without running afoul of civil rights laws.

Lots of this in the South and West.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j6l83n1 wrote

It was my biggest takeaway from visiting Memphis. Fences and gated communities everywhere.


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j6mfydh wrote

And steel cages over AC units since people strip them for copper. That's the only place I've seen that.


BeachPlease843 t1_j6mnj6g wrote

Moved to the South and there is one in my area. Now I clean houses and I am in there everyday...after the guard gate clears me everyday, of course! Haha