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moosedenied t1_j5tmv4b wrote

As a non-child-having individual, I have to say...


How can they do that?!?!


McJumpington t1_j5trb32 wrote

Daycare is the biggest bullshit necessary evil.

I pay around 3k a month for my two kids. Here are some of the joys....

  1. Kid gets sick- they aren't allowed to go (I wouldn't want them to anyhow). But there's no fee drop... so if my kid stays home 4 days one week, I still pay for all 5.
  2. If I go on vacation, I can't pay a holding's just the standard amount. Meaning if I take a 1 week vacation with my kids, I have to basically throw $700 in the trash. I get nothing from it.
  3. If the center has workers call off, they ask for volunteers to stay do not get any money back for this so they basically are asking you to throw away $75-150 (1-2 kids). If nobody volunteers they have a lottery system to pick a loser that gets childcare yanked away from them unwillingly.
  4. If staff is sick and unable to come in to a large extent, the room is closed for the day and I have no option but to not take my kids....I do not get reimbursed any money for this.
  5. If I am late picking up my child they charge $1 per minute. This isn't too crazy and it's never happened, but ....for all the other money they scalp from you...this shouldn't be needed.

8KUHDITIS t1_j5tuyd4 wrote

I should start a daycare and under cut everyone by making it 2500 a month. And if the kid doesn't show you jst pay 75% of that days fees, 75 cents per minute if late..


McJumpington t1_j5tvdng wrote

Sign me up !


peon2 t1_j5twc11 wrote

Well now hold on a second. You haven't heard about MY new daycare that charges $2250 a month, and if the kid doesn't show up you just pay $45% of that days fee, $0.50 for every minute late.


full_moon_alchemist t1_j5tzvc1 wrote

But you haven’t heard of my day care yet! It’s completely free!! I just get to use your kids for free labor on my farm. Bring your own band aids.


maya_star444 t1_j5us3aj wrote

Wow! From an outsiders perspective, this seems asinine. So if you’re kid is sick and can’t go to daycare, you’re still obligated to pay…but if one of their teachers is sick and can’t accommodate, you could be chosen to keep your child at home while still paying ?! Are all the daycares like this ?


McJumpington t1_j5usoil wrote

Some daycares give you a handful of sick days, where they won’t charge if you can’t come…but it’s usually limited to a few days.

The biggest issue is you can’t really shop around as a parent. I had to call over 24 daycares in the area to get one without a 1-1.5 year waiting list. It’s also a 25 min drive for us which sucks…. But it’s what was a available.