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maya_star444 t1_j5us3aj wrote

Wow! From an outsiders perspective, this seems asinine. So if you’re kid is sick and can’t go to daycare, you’re still obligated to pay…but if one of their teachers is sick and can’t accommodate, you could be chosen to keep your child at home while still paying ?! Are all the daycares like this ?


McJumpington t1_j5usoil wrote

Some daycares give you a handful of sick days, where they won’t charge if you can’t come…but it’s usually limited to a few days.

The biggest issue is you can’t really shop around as a parent. I had to call over 24 daycares in the area to get one without a 1-1.5 year waiting list. It’s also a 25 min drive for us which sucks…. But it’s what was a available.