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bdpsych t1_j6utvd7 wrote

Parlor on N Main has a metal night


insearchofthingz t1_j6vg15w wrote

Nolan’s has a good crew. But Dusk & Scurvy Dog for sure


MarlKarx-1818 t1_j6v98ig wrote

I need some metal head friends too, usually my brother is my go to for shows but he's in Boston so its not always feasable. Do you go to any local shows?


Seasnek t1_j6wio7b wrote get updated with all the music in the state


abaum525 t1_j72agot wrote

It's not really a hangout spot but Armageddon record shop on Broadway would still be a good place to pop in, browse, and say hello. Not sure everyone that works there is a metal head, but they have a large selection of metal records and the vibe in there is kind of metal.


Dopey-NipNips t1_j6wff5b wrote

Metal night at pub on park is pretty decent. Go see pus chunk play