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GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j6x5vgd wrote

Reply to comment by dvestisorok240 in Chess club? by dvestisorok240

I don’t think they have either (although they do have a good selection of tools and equipment for any redditors working on DIY projects at home)! If the board and clock are pricey I can contribute or pay my share during the first meeting.

Saturdays work best for me. I’m preparing for my next actuarial exam in April, and need to be posting up in that library as much as possible.

Lots of restaurants and bars nearby for people itching to socialize too.


dvestisorok240 OP t1_j6xkcs2 wrote

Lol I’ll get a board and clock for myself. Not sure I’m much of an organizer haha but if we start I’m sure people will be happy to join and we can grow :p

But this would be awesome. Maybe some bughouse too! I used to live in Baltimore and there were some older guys who’d come to the Barnes and noble/Starbucks and play for a few hours.

It’s a good time. Will keep you updated!


StonksGuy3000 t1_j75bo9l wrote

I haven’t played bughouse in 15-20 years, but I remember it always being awesome. Nowadays, I tend to just play blitz games online, but a local chess group sounds awesome