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lestermagnum t1_j6ya4nr wrote

Did they ever release the results from the Hope Street Temporary Bike Lane surveys? I think they was supposed to be made public in December.


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_j6yewsk wrote

Not sure. My hunch is that there's a lot of data and things happening around Providence that demands the attention of Providence Streets Coalition. Not to mention their funding is likely pocket change and the work relies almost exclusively on volunteers.


lightningbolt1987 t1_j6yzr6i wrote

If we’re smart, we’ll ditch the Hope Street idea just because it’s made so many enemies. Let’s get urban trails built!


FunLife64 t1_j6zdtsr wrote

They were obtuse and insisted on the bike path going directly through the Hope Village area. They should have just had the bike path go up Hope then once to Hope Village divert over one block into Lorimer which goes straight to Blackstone parallel to Hope Village.

This keeps the street parking in Hope Village (which is needed, particularly October-March when biking dramatically decreases) and still provides a bike lane along a long stretch.

My guess is the study would show rather low usage.


listen_youse t1_j6zft4m wrote

>divert over one block into Lorimer

No, the whole point is that bike travelers may go safely and directly to the shops and restaurants, not be told to stay out of the way. If parking fills up on or just off Hope St, then people can park on Lorimer.


FunLife64 t1_j6zwukb wrote

This is why we can’t have nice things. You have to have your way and you aren’t willing to compromise.


StonksGuy3000 t1_j75baxf wrote

The businesses didn’t want it. The residents didn’t want it. And it made more sense to have the bike trail be on a less busy, parallel street. But that apparently wasn’t satisfying enough?