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eric_weisenheimer t1_j78r05s wrote

It’s a short walk from Fox Pt to Small Point Cafe downtown on Westminster. Great place to work and you can buy tea by either the cup or the pot (pot not on the menu, but they’ll do it for you). Not a huge variety of teas but the English breakfast and the Darjeeling are both nice.


misterpeanutsman t1_j78znxf wrote

for something like this you probably want to prioritize somewhere sizable to make sure you can actually get a seat. now that coffee exchange is back open inside i would say plunk down there, or if it doesn’t strictly have to be a coffee place there’s a good bit of space at the seven stars on point st. the bolt inside the risd museum is usually my go-to again because of its size, but when classes are in session it’s a bit of crapshoot whether or not it’s packed.


waninggib t1_j793vgg wrote

The Shop recently opened the inside for seating again and I’m pretty sure they have free wifi.

Also possibly Tea In Sahara.


JW860 t1_j794tx3 wrote

Is the library worth considering?


Creativeusername962 t1_j79fp31 wrote

I would say Coffee exchange because there’s wifi and a second floor that’s quiet and good for getting work done.


ApolloKid t1_j79o7l0 wrote

Not Providence but I recently went to the Brewed Awakenings on Bald Hill Road for the first time and was shocked at how much space and seating they had inside

edit: I still recommend the space but don’t buy anything there, see comment below


nativeshewolf t1_j79s2ju wrote

Schastea on Broadway sounds like exactly what you’re looking for!


RandomChurn t1_j7apfgh wrote

>coffee exchange is back open inside

It's reopened with a whole new space on the second floor! So, between people who got out of the habit of going there during the pandemic, and those who don't know about the new space upstairs, it's likely to offer more available space with less pressure to move on than it has in decades. And it has teas and food.


fishythepete t1_j7bafx4 wrote

Lol - no one is making bank adding $.02 to checks that average $5-8. Unless he built the POS system himself, not sure how it would be his fault even? I could see someone building one applying sales tax to each item vs the total bill which could add a cent per item depending on how prices lined up.


GoodJibblyWibbly t1_j7baoic wrote

I liked the tea at Dave’s on S Main, cute space but not very big. I’ve never seen it packed but it may well get fairly busy (as any coffee shop would)


IndependentPiglet4 t1_j7dq2p0 wrote

A second for Rise & Shine on Smith Hill, Holden St. Nice people. And tea. And wifi. Open Mon-Sat til 2.