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littylikeatit t1_j7xolmo wrote

I get that, I don’t think providence is dangerous but shit happens in every city and I like to be aware of where I live. Seems like he’s fear mongering, but some of these comments are doing the exact opposite and trying to say crime is way down and there’s not a worry. Idk I just see Reddit as an extension of the news and I don’t see the big deal of having a crime article esp when it takes place in PVD’s downtown


degggendorf t1_j7xq10i wrote

>trying to say crime is down

It literally is:

>I don’t see the big deal of having a crime article esp when it takes place in PVD’s downtown

That's cool, you can have your own preference.

But to be clear, I don't think people's issue is a crime story posted here, it's every crime story being posted. I would prefer this sub be a highlight reel of the most interesting/relevant/discussable things, not just a repository for every single story in any given category. I wouldn't want to hear about every single restaurant opening, wouldn't want every single concert, every single fire, every single violent crime, etc.

But, again, I'm just trying to help explain what you're seeing, not trying to change your mind on anything; you're obviously welcome to keep your own preference.


littylikeatit t1_j7xqtvf wrote

I said way down, and it is still a worry regardless. I know it has trended down since Covid. I would love to hear of every restaurant opening in providence on the providence subreddit. This isn’t petty crime and I would argue over half of this subreddit has walked on or near Washington St. Idk I like to be aware of what goes on good/bad and idc who posts it. That’s all