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LeetPleeb t1_j82imz9 wrote

Be better if people posted this stuff without with the contact info showing. Otherwise you're just giving these racist, hate mongering pieces of shit more reach.


Majestic-Shine-7081 t1_j82j91z wrote

Nah dude, this way we can sign them up for so many fucking spam messages that it renders these addresses useless. Fuck these nazi scum


SqueakieDeekie t1_j86q51z wrote

Signing them up for spam emails accomplishes absolutely nothing whatsoever


werewolfmanjack t1_j82n44v wrote

Yep - literal signal boosting. OP is low wattage. People think signing an email up for spam is some kind of clever resistance - if that’s the best we can do… then the battle is lost.


LeetPleeb t1_j84ortm wrote

Agreed, it's not like they're doing a denial of service attack. It's spam. All you have to do is tag it spam and your filter grabs it. Do they not know how email works?