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GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j8ne77b wrote

It starts with police actually enforcing traffic laws instead of turning a blind eye.


ryanfingawesome t1_j8ngzie wrote

enforcement is not the best way to go. it’s been proven that only disproportionately effects drivers that were already likely to be profiled anyway. in order to change driver behavior there have to be physical changes to the roads, such as narrowing or speed bumps.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j8nh8cv wrote

I’m all for speed bumps too!


Mekator9000 t1_j8p5wl1 wrote

No more speed bumps this is lunacy. The ones on rochambeau just make people rip up smaller roads with worse visibility while punishing law abiding drivers but wearing down their car suspensions


listen_youse t1_j8ng43u wrote

We tried this. It is going to take a lot more.

Start with change the streets so it is really hard to drive too fast without scraping the precious vehicle.


anemonemometer t1_j8qcc9r wrote

Having some stop signs on the north side of Hope would help - crossing Hope anywhere between Rochambeau and Lippet Park is harrowing


FoleyisGood t1_j8oo6lc wrote

No, the last thing we need is more police pulling people over for every little thing. It starts with educating the public