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lozocarina t1_j8qacd7 wrote

Only in the tower in that house at planet st and benefit


RandomChurn t1_j8r5xev wrote

That's the Burnside House -- a Civil War general from whom we get sideburns


tacomonstrous t1_j8zgjlj wrote

It's also the house where Buddy Cianci assaulted his ex-wife's boyfriend with a firelog, leading to his first sojourn in prison.


Lonnie_Shelton t1_j8qbzjh wrote

I lived in two different houses on Benefit, many years ago. And yes, it was very nice.


ryanfingawesome t1_j8rnc3y wrote

like, yeah the houses are beautiful but it’s gotta be noisy as all hell and after living in a first floor apartment in fox point it’s super weird having your windows on the sidewalk at face height for people walking by.


ricekrispies4e t1_j8rpb1o wrote

I lived in the 3rd floor condo of one of the houses near the start of Benefit St and it was 120 stairs from the driveway to the apartment 😅 that part got old fast.

But the view from the balcony made it all worth it


D-camchow t1_j8rn7x2 wrote

Its a beautiful street with a ton of tree coverage and beautiful views. Walkable to Thayer, Whole Foods, Wickenden, downtown. Yeah, of course. I'd love to live there in one of those charming little houses. I doubt it's affordable though being one of the nicest areas of Providence.


Ristray t1_j8rm7xp wrote

There was a small house at the very end of Benefit that had an open house one day. My husband and I went in just to see. It was so cute! Would love to live in one of those houses, though I'm not sure a lot of modern furniture would fit in the staircase. Oh, and the street itself is so damn pretty.

Just don't pick the house that's at the end of the giant hill that needs stone protection. That would be terrifying.


Brotendo88 t1_j8r1vyy wrote

i once hooked up with a risd student living in one of those houses, it was a gorgeous house. that counts.


wearTheDamnMask_137 t1_j8r7dpk wrote

Top floor of one of those closer to Olney, with a good view facing the downtown and the lit-up State House. But only if money were no object.


foxymarxy t1_j8uf3uk wrote

Was lucky to live in one of those years ago! It was so special


Thac0 t1_j8tc5gc wrote

Absolutely. I lived about a block away on Sheldon for several years and if I could afford to I’d retire on benefit street. The area feels like home for some reason


iCaligula t1_j8ugfnu wrote

I volunteer as a gallery attendant at the John Brown House Museum once a month just to get to hang out in the building.


Affectionate-While71 t1_j8wb867 wrote

In the 90s I lived on Benefit above Geoff’s Sandwich shop for 3 years. I had a top floor 1 bedroom apartment with a fire escape. The view was phenomenal. Best part though is I could walk into the city for live music, up to Thayer food and just wander aimlessly through the streets of college hill. I would move back in a heartbeat.


leavingthecold t1_j8ry6mr wrote

Only wealthy people or people with obsession for this type of house. The average Joe will go for greener pastures.
