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Alphabet_Mafia_69 OP t1_jb7a13p wrote

It’s so sad to see this happen. Wtf is wrong with some people?


sarox366 t1_jb7fr5c wrote

We CAN'T let this keep happening. The response of normal people to bullshit like this can't be to just be sad about it. Are there local organizations/protests we can join?


mcCheester t1_jb7gu1w wrote

We need to go back to treating Nazis like we did in the early 1940s.


[deleted] t1_jb7j161 wrote

Sounds suspicious… did they call the police?


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_jb7sm0m wrote

Fuck communists and their ideology every bit as hard as those hateful fucking Nazi douche bags. Let ANY of either of those ideologies flourish and before you know it we're making a "great leap forward" or staring down the barrel of genocide.


Good-Expression-4433 t1_jb7tjsi wrote

Bigots are feeling emboldened due to the political climate since 2016 and realizing that there aren't any consequences.

Groups like the Nationalist Social Club (who have been targeting Red Ink and posting their flyers all over Providence in the last year) literally just have people traveling around New England, posting their recruitment flyers, and stirring up trouble knowing they can get out of town before there's consequences.


Dramatic_Astronomer t1_jb7vt6a wrote

Are we going to finally start talking about how the people who likely did this are headquartered in Massachusetts and start asking what is that state doing about this? NSC attacks libraries in both states and may even be part of the terrorizing of Boston Children's Hospital.


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_jb7w3q8 wrote

Zedong was in the mid-twentieth century, and communism has killed no less than 5x the number of people as Nasis/Fascism. Do some reading for yourself and learn which ideology has produced the higher body count.


fishythepete t1_jb7x4jr wrote

I’m assuming the homophobic term was erased because the brick thrower realized that use of the term could turn this from a vandalism charge to a hate crime.

So they bought two bricks. Seriously - brand new bricks (actually, Holland concrete pavers sold by HD). And bought two, or else why erase the message and not just start over. And of course, the day is important, so they can’t just buy another brick tomorrow.

So they planned this out, poorly, had the clarity of mind to take action to reduce the severity of potential charges, planned it for a day that is very significant to the store and surely was at the front of their mind, and still went forward with the act? Pretty brazen - I hope the cops track down footage from the area and local HDs that sold 2 pavers and can piece this together.


Sarcofaygo t1_jb8ggxd wrote

Hopefully whoever did this gets identified, arrested, and charged


NinjaSant4 t1_jb8xsju wrote

Do you think the police would dedicate any time to a broken window investigation with no camera footage? Even with a fairly good image of the person they would do next to nothing.

Unless you need a police report to file an insurance claim why would you call them in this scenario?


Sarcofaygo t1_jb8zgmw wrote

They can't do anything if they aren't contacted

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Or you can have it your way and make no effort to apprehend the individuals who did this, who are potentially neo nazis


Sarcofaygo t1_jb8zxew wrote

>Especially when literal Nazis are the one committing these crimes. Like, literally self declared white supremacists…

While likely, we don't know that for sure for this specific case because the suspects are still at large.

I'm guessing that Red Ink is hesitant to call the Police due to their political views but it could potentially help in tracking down whoever did this

Edit / apparently they called the police. I hope whoever did this gets caught


NinjaSant4 t1_jb9400e wrote

They don't do anything regardless of if they are contacted. You like doing tasks for no reason at all? Contact the police and waste your time for them to do nothing?

If you think they would open an investigation into what is considered petty vandalism you've really got a fantasy view of the police.


Sarcofaygo t1_jb95968 wrote

So you are saying the best course of action is to... not attempt to investigate this vandalism to find out who did it, ergo meaning they can do it again. 🤔

You keep saying nothing can be done but if you don't even make an attempt the success rate drops to zero


NinjaSant4 t1_jb9eija wrote

They will not investigate the vandalism. They will take the report and nothing will come of it. It's an insurance claim.

Do you also think the police investigate every instance of graffiti?


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_jb9iwdi wrote

Google is not going to give you that answer, Because outside of the theater of war, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, shit, even our own Civil War, taking the lives of "the enemy", there has never been an American leader, under whose sole authority, that has wilfully/purposely allowed/caused, as many as a 100 million of their own citizens to perish or outright slaughter them(Stalin, Kim, Zedong...).


Bobisadrummer t1_jb9mgm2 wrote

You should learn the difference between type of governments and types of economic policies. Because you seem to be treating them as the same thing… they’re not. Communism isn’t a form of government, it is a type of economic policy.


GoxBoxSocks t1_jb9nyvi wrote

I do want to point out that this happened back in Feb on Red Book Day, this is just a recently published piece about the incident. There wasn't a recurrence.


GoxBoxSocks t1_jb9oa18 wrote

Buying new bricks for your hate crime vandalism is really funny. Some sheltered suburban basement dwelling 8chan nazi who has never worked a day in his life not knowing where to find bricks or paving stones. Working class folks know where to find a brick, we hoard them in a little pile in our yard when we find them and save them for garden beds.

This guy bought 2 bricks and a pack of sharpies at the Home Depot self checkout with an airline miles accruing Visa.


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_jb9pneg wrote

I wouldn't say no trouble... I would have to search the breadth of the Internet for many, many smaller examples. Good place to start would probablythe market crash preceding the great depression. And I will amend my comments regarding Russia and the deaths of those citizens, since under Stalin's watch a lot of those deaths were the results of his insanity and his struggle to keep power rather than failure of economic policy.


Previous_Floor t1_jba2ewm wrote

>If you think they would open an investigation into what is considered petty vandalism you've really got a fantasy view of the police.

The homophobic note attached to the brick puts it into hate crime territory, not just petty vandalism.


NinjaSant4 t1_jba3pzl wrote

Well considering it was written on the brick and then attempted to be scrubbed off it's unlikely the hate crime would stick - hence them mentioning in the article it was most likely scrubbed off to avoid hate crime charges (which is a surprisingly amount of foresight for neo nazis honestly).

And the cops were contacted, but shockingly they haven't made any arrests. Even though members of the (presumed) same group have made appearances throughout the city since then.


PurposeMission9355 t1_jba65c2 wrote

False Flag. Were I a leftist, I'd write anti-left shit on the brick too

Oh no! I'll get down voted and kicked from the sub! GOOD! Perhaps reddit won't keep asking me if this is a sub I want to participate in even though I've never posted in here.


mightynifty_2 t1_jbag0di wrote

I do wish we still lived in a time where you could kill any admitted, outspoken, and proven Nazi. Support of the ideology is in and of itself a death threat and anyone Nazis dislike would inherently be acting in self-defense. This isn't a "two-sides" issue. One is evil, the other is good.


radarmy t1_jbahrb8 wrote

Next level micro peen energy. Just go kiss your father on the mouth like you really want to and leave other people alone ya cunts.


pmk0286 t1_jbao6e0 wrote

Nah bro, Stalin and Mao were cool… sips Starbucks and twirls pink hair

“But USSR, East Germany, China, Cuba, North Korea…THOSE ARENT REAL COMMUNISM”.. taps away on iPhone made for 1.00 an hour, ordering clothes from Shein

Funny all the old Commie propaganda I see…none of the people are overweight, or gay, or have pink and purple hair…


Good-Expression-4433 t1_jbat7lg wrote

It's the Nationalist Social Club, a neo Nazi group that operates heavily out of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Their goons have been spreading recruitment flyers and doing stupid shit all over New England over the last year. Providence has had issues as of late with their flyers posted all over the place and they were the ones that formed a mob at Red Ink last year.


oglactation t1_jbbj0sa wrote

Red Ink doesn't deserve they hate they receive it's really sickening. Also hope they've invested in some 4k cameras inside and outside


PurposeMission9355 t1_jbbjw75 wrote

Yeah, a few months ago it was halloween! Are you like juicy smollet thinking roving bands of yazis roam the streets of providence?

OR it's publicity stunts since the need for yazis outstrips the supply of yazis and there isn't as much money in being a commie as people thought?

I'd pay to see some commies take the boats delivered by cuban nationals and have them bring it back. It's state property after all.


Sad_Succotash_9347 t1_jbbw8ai wrote

Why haven't I run into any of these people. I'll knock some people tf out and take the charge. Complete bullshit


[deleted] t1_jbc8ti8 wrote

There was a nazi group that protested in front of this library last year that’s a fact. That being said, these bricks and messages are little too on-the-nose. Their main effect has been to gather support and sympathy for this Communist club. We could very well be looking at a juicy Smooyay situation.


Previous_Floor t1_jbdt62q wrote

Unlike many on here, I don't subscribe to the idea that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

This isn't simply right versus left. It's an extreme right hate group versus people who embrace and push an ideology that goes against everything our country stands for.

I don't understand why anyone would choose to support either side.


mightynifty_2 t1_je5xmfn wrote

Communism is not worse than Naziism. One is an economic system without any moral good or bad attached, the other is an ideology founded upon the notion of fucking killing people. Quit being a cunt.


dpez1111 t1_je635q9 wrote

It’s fucking crazy people worship communism and have no idea what it is or what it stands for. How do you think they get this theoretical commie utopia they drool over? By killing everyone who has any property or money, and forcefully taking over every aspect of society. Communism destroys culture and stomps human rights.
