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Secret_Yesterday7625 OP t1_jbjbtk4 wrote

We live north of admiral, but i think it will be fine! Thank you!


Previous_Floor t1_jbkxrmk wrote

>We live north of admiral, but i think it will be fine! Thank you!

Wanskuck isn't an area to be taking walks - especially when dark.

The people telling you that your only risk is getting hit by a car are people who are not even remotely familiar with the area.


beta_vulgaris t1_jbl315v wrote

Since you’re the local expert on crime, can you pull up some stats about the people who have been walking, minding their own business and were victims of crime in this area?


Previous_Floor t1_jbl65za wrote

>Since you’re the local expert on crime, can you pull up some stats about the people who have been walking, minding their own business and were victims of crime in this area?

Insincere question as you are well aware that those stats don't exist for this area or any area.


beta_vulgaris t1_jbl9v8r wrote

So innocent walkers are regularly victims of crime and it's not being reported by our police or media?


Previous_Floor t1_jblkvor wrote

>So innocent walkers are regularly victims of crime and it's not being reported by our police or media?

Crimes of opportunity do happen regularly in the rougher (and sometimes not so rough) areas of Providence. Nearly everybody carries a valuable phone.

The media doesn't cover that.


Critical-Paramedic89 t1_jblo5bn wrote

I used to regularly walk from Douglas ave, to downtown at night. Never had a problem. saw some sketchy people and whatnot, but was never in fear for my life. I lived on Goddard St. I wouldn't suggest a woman walk alone at night around there, but a couple walking during the day? Where exactly do you live, if you dont mind me asking...


Previous_Floor t1_jbltccd wrote

Women walk alone on Goddard Street at night. They're called hookers.


Critical-Paramedic89 t1_jblua6p wrote

Nobody's out on Goddard street at night. I can assure you. It was usually quiet as hell. I dont even down vote you bro. I leave that to the other people. I would just like to know where you get info from. The news, or have you lived in the area? There were 2 trap houses across from the park, but again, I brought my kids to the park all the time with no problems.