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Dinosquid t1_jc6qbb6 wrote

Murphy’s Pub downtown makes a mean Ruben w/ pastrami, I’d imagine a straight up pastrami from them would be equally as good.


BeeSlight2332 t1_jc5cxeb wrote

Bubbies on Hope


FrutaFertil t1_jc6sfjs wrote

I tried it when they first opened and was so disappointed. Cold pastrami on cold bread with cold kraut and Kens Russian dressing. Is it still made that way?


Previous_Floor t1_jcvcha7 wrote

Not sure if it's the best, but you can get a good one at The Butcher Shop on Elmgrove Ave.


Global_Pomelo2573 t1_jd7ofvb wrote

The lack of a good Jewish deli is one of the biggest gaps in Providence’s food scene.