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Ok-Carpet-2422 t1_jd8s11q wrote

Fed hill is not what you think it is. Only people who think they’re in the Sopranos frequent on the weekends - They live outside of providence. The locals that live there go to Dunkin D


dzoni-kanak t1_jd8x4ua wrote

Yeah, there isn't enough year round foot traffic to sustain coffee shops. I've seen a couple try and fold, but the summer is the only boom time. Rents are cheaper and more people live closer to Broadway and the couple cafes there have their following.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_jdb0hm7 wrote

Absolutely. Not only that, but with more work from home the 6am demand has to be even worse than the market was before covid (which wasn't very big for this niche). You don't have the Boston commuters getting up super early or the early office runs looking for that timeslot. I say that as someone who works early in person and it's a total ghost town at 6am apart from the occasional dog walk.


dzoni-kanak t1_jdb129r wrote

Good point RE: Boston commuters forgot about that.

I think not even the Cafe La France lady opens her cafe that early inside the Amtrak station. Damn, it really is only Dunks before 7 isn't it?

Maybe that Starbucks on the other side of the bridge after Fed Hill in the Hilton? But that location seems cursed since Covid.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_jdb5k4i wrote

I know the morning coffee market well. That Starbucks does open early like 6amish.

I get it, it would be convenient for me but it's also a total ghost town when I get to work that early, so I understand it's a financial pit.

Federal Hill has seen some early spots come and go, like Crepe Cafe, and it'd just be bad business. Even Sin tried a lot of different hours after the pandemic to see what worked best for them.

I think some people move here from more 24/7 major cities and then are bummed that there aren't many 2am eats, early spots, or 24 hour stores but like....this isn't that kind of city and the demand really isn't there.


Previous-Bumblebee-3 t1_jdfjpy0 wrote

Have you been to Pastiche? They’ve been there forever, not even on the main Ave and they’re always a line.


demon-dance t1_jdcwyh0 wrote

thats just not true. in fact, the majority of my friends live here or are moving here. we all drink coffee and everybody knows dunkin sucks ass. I'll only go to dunkin if I'm taking an early flight and it's the ONLY thing available. Even then, I'm gonna look hard for any alternative caffeine bc dunkin is so nasty.


Thac0 t1_jd8zx7c wrote

You’ve identified a market that needs to be served!


bpear t1_jd91ljz wrote

I think there only a couple coffee shops in the entire city that open at 6am (besides Dunkin)

Seven stars right on Broadway opens at 6:30am though


FunkyChromeMedina t1_jdbjeg0 wrote

Pretty sure the Lasalle Bakery on Smith st opens at 6:00, though that’s nowhere near fed hill


bpear t1_jddtab5 wrote

Nice to know if I'm ever up that early lol

Looks like L'Artisan Cafe & Bakery on point St is also open at 6am but again not in federal hill. I'm usually not seeking coffee until 8am anyways if I don't make it at home.


lestermagnum t1_jd8ltux wrote

Dunkin’ Donuts in Eagle Square


Automatic-Attempt-81 t1_jd8tc4k wrote

Is the nitro bar still there?


Good-Expression-4433 t1_jd8zdf7 wrote

They open at 7


Automatic-Attempt-81 t1_jd8ziy9 wrote

Ah that sucks. I used to live on Sutton and there was a really good coffee spot that had since closed I think. But yeah not a ton of good option, but I guess you could walk closer to downtown Starbucks near the Amp


dzoni-kanak t1_jd8wwog wrote

Nitro Bar and Seven Stars are both there, but I believe open at 7am.


zen_mctunamelt t1_jdannoc wrote

West end diner on Westminster opens at six.


cometpants t1_jd9cay4 wrote

I’ve always felt a cafe on Atwells would crush !!


pvdjay t1_jda50fi wrote

Vanuatu used to be on Atwells. Gone 😔


chatendormi t1_jdc068m wrote

I used to work on West exchange when that place opened and man, what a cool coffee shop. From the decor to the comfy chairs to the extremely friendly owners…. And I will never forget the day they turned into a “Luke’s Diner” (From Gilmore Girls” pop up.


Previous-Bumblebee-3 t1_jdfk74t wrote

They didn’t close from lack of business, they closed due to the owner having health problems. Pastiche is right on the hill, I’m there 5 days a week.


pvdjay t1_jdg1m7f wrote

I’m sorry to hear that about the owner of Vanuatu. Has Pastiche gone back to cafe mode? Last time I was in there (not that long ago) they still seemed to be in pandemic mode. Take out only. I missed the cozy cafe feel with the fireplace.


vuduceltix t1_jd9k9yz wrote

Sounds like a business opportunity


Remarkable_Money_369 t1_jdbu8im wrote

No, there isn’t. When White Electric, not exactly in Fed Hill, went union. They asked for suggestions on what changes customers would like to see. I suggested opening at 5:30-6:00am for those of us, like union construction workers, that have a early start could get a decent cup of coffee. I was literally laughed at and told their u ion employees did not want to start that early. This is the only city I have ever lived in that did not have a coffee shop open earlier than 7am. And no, Dunkin is not a real coffee shop.


Major_Halfsack t1_jdcfw6y wrote

Providence Bagel on North Main used to be open at 5:30 pre-pandemic. For a while, they switched to 7am. They've now gone to a 6am opening time. I'm typically out the door at 5:45, so when I get coffee on the road, it's Dunkin. At least now, if I'm running a little late, I'll get providence bagel instead.


decoysara t1_jdd4h01 wrote

Providence. Opens too late, and closes too early. Perf.


ComradeSalothSar t1_jda452z wrote

Providence, 1994

Harry: I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!

Lloyd: Yeah! Unless you wanna work forty hours a week!


jdebo117 t1_jd8rrc4 wrote

I agree, it's odd to me


Gsquzared t1_jd95thv wrote

I'm glad that I didn't miss anything when I tried to find an option a couple months ago. It's surprising that there isn't a place to grab an espresso and a croissant.


Dr-Stink-Stank t1_jdac87t wrote

7 Stars has both those things, but they open at 6:30 I guess.


Gsquzared t1_jdald0a wrote

Oh no. I didn't realize they had a location on Broadway. I was mostly looking up and down Atwells. I don't know the area very well yet. This changes everything.


Dr-Stink-Stank t1_jdaogza wrote

Oh I gotcha. Yeah, nothing like that on Atwells sadly. Check out Nitro Bar, too while your at it.


BOKEH_BALLS t1_jd8xujr wrote

Nitro bar one street over on Broadway??


reagan_baby t1_jda5k6o wrote

I know that sounds intuitive, but 6am is really early. What batista is going to work at 5:30am?


Stickyfynger t1_jdakvu0 wrote

I love McDonald’s coffee—I just do


Previous-Bumblebee-3 t1_jdflopz wrote

I’m not usually on the hill until 9 AM but I’m addicted to Pastiche’s coffee. If I’m going out of state and need a cup before 9 am which is when they open I’ll get it the night before since they’re open until 10 PM or 10:30 PM depending on the day. I either drink it iced or warm it up and it tastes as fresh as when I drink it on the same day. Modern problems require modern solutions.


SmallCoffee444 t1_jd9pxo2 wrote

White Electric Coffee. It’s a tiny coffee shop that’s just outside of Federal Hill. Just a couple blocks down from Classical High School. Definitely worth the money for coffee there.


lonely_dodo t1_jda0io6 wrote

love white electric but they open at 7 during the week and 8 on weekends