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General_Skin_2125 t1_jdex133 wrote

Hahaha... okay pal.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jdeykuy wrote

It’s true! I was curious if my encounter was a “one-off” but it seems you really do like to be mean to people. I thought initially you were a troll, but nope, just an unkind person. Honestly, this is far down the line no one else will read this. I hope you find happiness.


General_Skin_2125 t1_jdf0688 wrote

Same to you.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jdf0sbw wrote

I’m happy, married, own a home, run a business with my best friend after spending my time “falsely” on an ambulance for many years. I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been tbh. Thanks though I’ll keep finding it!!


VinylGator t1_jdg5fxv wrote

Enjoy every second of it mate. Enjoy that contentment, you deserve it, and thanks for your public service.

More importantly, thanks for standing ip to the fact that anybody deserves the right to defend themselves from being violently attacked.