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D-camchow t1_ir9wxgi wrote

I voted for the stops and trees on Thayer too along with the bidirectional bus lanes for Washington, that'd speed up inbound trips quite a bit.


AuditorFodder t1_irab7un wrote

> bidirectional bus lanes for Washington

A diagram would be helpful, I’m trying to picture this part - do they mean that weird little bus-only turn lane that’s already there or do they mean a dedicated lane all the way into KP? The latter would be a game changer and would benefit more than just the tunnel-bound busses. The EP and East Bay busses also come up Main and cross the river at Washington, if I’m not mistaken.


D-camchow t1_irahic7 wrote

There's links to images on the site, from the looks of it it'd be 2 bus lanes to at least memorial Blvd, not sure of that'd go straight to kp or they'd need to turn left. I'd hope for a direct connection tho