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Silentjosh37 t1_isokdva wrote

This is true. There is already too much congestion and activity in and around this area. I am all for a Trader Joes going in and even in that area just right there is going to make it a complete shit show.

To those saying its great that it will be walkable, yes that is a plus, but it is also going to bring a lot more congestion to that area and actually make it less walkable because of the amount of people that will be driving to this location from outside the city. This is going to be a huge draw especially for the first year or so. There are going to be so many people coming in that do not understand how to share the road with people on bikes, pedestrians and scooters etc that it is going to become mildly more dangerous for those people.

Add on the fact that it is directly off the highway with what looks like not very well designed entry and exit to the parking lot it is going to a nightmare for everyone in and around that area as it is already has heavy traffic.

This would have been better suited down where the empty area down by Tops Electrical is where there is a huge empty space with enough space for proper entry and exits without fighting people coming directly off the highway. Still walkable but better overall.


lightningbolt1987 t1_issgn64 wrote

More traffic is good for me since I live in the neighborhood—it means the cars go slower on the roads. Right now south main feels like a mini-highway. South Water used to feel that way until they wisely narrowed it. Also right now: there’s barely any traffic. Just a 10 minute delay during evening rush hour. Not a big deal.