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Beebeeleen t1_ita7ud7 wrote

What are your thoughts?


TheGreyVicinity OP t1_itcpgb6 wrote

Good! Probably the closest thing to TexMex I’ll find.

I had COVID in 2020 and it screwed up my smell and taste, still struggle with it. Haven’t been able to eat chicken since, so I always go with cheese enchiladas now. I was so shocked that they have them on the menu there, literally nowhere here does.

Only complaints: they need to learn what cumin is, and work on the enchilada sauce. It tasted like it came straight out of the can.

I feel like I’m kinda having some culture shock here lol. I grew up Catholic—white Catholics in the rural south are not common. I went to catholic school for 10 years and most of my teachers had recently immigrated from Mexico or Honduras, and we were taught Spanish starting in pre-k to aid with the language barrier.

When I went to public school in HS, the white southern baptist parents didn’t want their kids hanging out with a catholic because they didn’t understand the difference between saints and gods. 😂 Every time someone found out I transferred from catholic school, they’d say “but you’re not Mexican???” So 90% of my friends were Mexican, most being anchor babies (not sure if this is the socially acceptable term, correct me if not) or dreamers.

Mexican culture has had a huge presence in my life for as long as I can remember, so food aside, this is a difficult adjustment. 🥲 Again, I’m white and I don’t like, identify myself with the culture, so naturally I just didn’t think it would be an issue when I moved.

Sorry for the rant - homesick and my vyvanse just kicked in. 😂 One more question tho: are there any fruterias around here?


Beebeeleen t1_itejz6o wrote

You definitely are a real Texan if you enjoy cumin on Mexican food! The Northern Mexicans use it. We don't!

You provoked my foody PTSD with the sauce from a can bit. I had a similar experience in the midwest (Michigan). It was a Sunday morning. I ordered menudo in a small Mexican restaurant (that mostly served Non-Mexicans). Well, the menudo broth tasted like tomato sauce from a can. It was horrible.

Your upbringing (save for the Catholic part) closely resembles a few White kids I knew in California. They were raised around Mexicans and pretty much fit in.

Yeah, culture shock happens. When I first moved here, I complained about the food and stuff. But, I like it here.

Re fruterías, Idk... if there are any in this state, I haven't seen them.

P.S. LOL anchor babies! The soap box type social justicey Chicanos would be soo pissed about that term. In general though, I don't think people outside the border areas use it. Even then, I think many people consider it a put down. Dreamers sounds so damn corny to me that I think its just as bad if not worst than wetback or border buddies or etc. lol