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powlacracy t1_iu93pk1 wrote

Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Best ramen place? by bigbadape

I may be biased because I live around the corner. The issue is about the lack of parking and the bike lane taking a lot of it away. I’m all for the bike lane except for when inconsiderate people block my driveway because there’s no where else to park. Maybe the group of restaurants could start a valet parking service? I dunno it’s a tough issue.


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_iu94grd wrote

> I may be biased because I live around the corner.


>The issue is about the lack of parking and the bike lane taking a lot of it away.

Well, that's what a few of the businesses against it claim. Studies have been done in the area showing otherwise, and anecdotally and talking with friends, we've never had issues parking. The issues we've had however, are with cars running non-car users off the road.

Genuine questions: I literally nearly get clipped every time I'm on that street, people in the community meetings also share the same issue around safety, are we waiting until someone dies? Why are we catering to a few businesses while many in the area support it? Why are we catering exclusively to cars and not non-car users, students, disabled people, etc? Is 1-2 parking spaces per business worth the safety risks, pollution, community betterment, stopping families, kids and non-car users from accessing the road? Is this not the definition of "NIMBY thinking"?

> I’m all for the bike lane except for when inconsiderate people block my driveway because there’s no where else to park.

People have everywhere to park. This infrastructure also encourages non-car use which decreases the need for parking. And frankly, people really ought to get off the " car only"mentality -- everyone drives these huge SUVs which take up to 2 spaces and is ignoring the effects of climate change which also doesn't help.

>I dunno it’s a tough issue.

With all due respect, it really, really isn't. If we want this city to evolve, the answer is clear.