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sweetener__ OP t1_iv1el1j wrote

People have sometimes been driving almost highway speeds in this neighborhood, not stopping at stop signs or even bothering to look out for other drivers or pedestrians. A car should not be hit with such force that it FLIPS on these streets. Thankfully, nobody was severely injured. But…what the fuck. Cmon.


D-camchow t1_iv1h2cs wrote

We need more traffic calming infrastructure on our streets. Drivers can't be trusted to control themselves.


josie-gg t1_iv1x4n8 wrote

or expand public transit to the point that it's just as, if not more, convenient than owning a car!


KeepYrGlitterDry t1_iv1rgb1 wrote

This is how we get more speed bumps, which looking at a photo like this, I think we need, but when I'm commuting and go over 10 of them, it is still annoying.

So basically people can't behave like normal adults behind the wheel, and like a class in middle school, everyone gets punished for the actions of a few morons.


D-camchow t1_iv225t1 wrote

I wouldn't mind more speed humps on certain streets but that's definitely not a fits all solution. For a street like America which has a school it might be worth it. But what I'd love to see more of would be other kinds of calming like narrower lanes or like what was done to Sycamore St.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_iv2usqw wrote

Can attest that people still blast through Sycamore. It's also near impossible to fit two way traffic during the winter because there is no plowing between the planters-- like near head on collisions.

I actually ripped a hole in my tire at the horribly located one at the stop sign. I had no idea as I pulled up that there was a sharp corner because nothing was planted in it for visibility.

The speed bumps around the park have really slowed down crazy speeders, though.


sweetener__ OP t1_iv35u3o wrote

Are the planters there to help reduce speeding? I’ve always wondered. I never really drove over there except to go to Hudson Street. I can’t imagine navigating in the snow would be great.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_iv484cf wrote

It's actually super hard to find any information on the planters. I'm sure places like the WBNA have a good history on it, though.

I want to say that some social media site had someone referencing that the planters were installed back when that area was more of a cut through for people speeding when it was a lower income neighborhood. Less from a neighborhood quality of life standpoint and more to diffuse presumed nefarious activities.-- I have no source on this, only a rumor.

Only in recent years has the neighborhood massively gentrified-- even the change in the past 10 has been wild. Most zoning decisions over there seemed to be exclusionary back in the day, such as the neighborhood air quality being impacted by the 6-10 connector (and subsequent toxic soil), so I'd love to know more from an official source about how and why those ended up there.


2ears_1_mouth t1_iv5y9hy wrote

The two speed bumps added to Knight street last year made a huge dent in the number of small-pp loud car morons waking up the neighborhood. Didn't stop all of them, but definitely helped.


JasonDJ t1_iv3fn4s wrote

Completely agree. I’ve often said that roads need to feel unsafe to go over 30 on if you want people to actually slow down. “Traffic calming infrastructure” is a much better way of saying that.

Putting automatic speed cameras in front of schools generated revenue and gets people to slow down but has little measurable effect on student safety since people are watching their speedometers more closely than the road and just slam it as soon as they are past the camera anyway.

Much better to narrow the roads (and in the process either expanding sidewalks and/or adding protected bike lanes), add more controlled intersections, add raised crosswalks, rotaries, etc.

Or just not build the new school on a fucking four lane state highway right next to the interstate. Looking at you, EP.


frustratedmachinist t1_iv1lblv wrote

They fly down America in the wrong direction daily. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case here.


sweetener__ OP t1_iv1ls0b wrote

Yeah, I see it multiple times a day - especially with the detours. I couldn’t really tell from the wreckage who came from which direction (I heard it, but didn’t see it happen), but I also would not be shocked if that were the case.


frustratedmachinist t1_iv1m1wh wrote

It’s frustrating and dangerous for those of us that live in the neighborhood. Normally, I’m against the idea of putting speed humps on the roads, but these one ways definitely need them.


lonely_dodo t1_iv2c13l wrote

i wonder if it's possible to have an asymmetrically shaped speed bump so that it's a normalish speed bump going the right way but extra brutal going the wrong one


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_iv1uf2a wrote

I’m glad people are finally coming around to this. Traffic laws are hardly enforced in the city


HistoricalDocument11 t1_iv20bym wrote

I live 1 street away from this intersection on a street that should be a one way because there is never room for cars coming from both directions, but is not. And people still drive 50+ mph on it. When turning onto my street people have flashed their brights at me directly into the drivers side on multiple occasions. When they have to yield to me at the stop sign!! Absolutely no patience or respect for other drivers.


FunLife64 t1_iv1z1qn wrote

One city I lived in had a blog that had a tag solely devoted to flipped cars (mostly on one lane, one way streets where it was like how is that possible).

This isn’t a pvd thing, there are just idiots everywhere.


Ristray t1_iv1qah7 wrote

> Thankfully, nobody was severely injured.

Maybe if drivers actually were injured they'd learn but instead this driver probably learned nothing.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iv2ac6a wrote

I wouldn't conflate a lack of physical injury with a lack of consequences. I get the sentiment, but that person just cost themselves thousands and thousands in dollars between fines, repairs, insurance, lost wages for an inevitable court date, etc.

The overwhelming majority of people driving (like over 99%) never come close to the level of recklessness it takes to have this kind of accident.


jus_bos t1_iv27xi9 wrote

Looks like drunk driving to me....


sweetener__ OP t1_iv2zj8j wrote

It’s definitely possible, but the woman in the black car was not at fault and definitely not under the influence.


mofuz t1_iv2lkic wrote

I live in this area. Epic hot spot for drunk drivers because of all the bars and restaurants in the area. That plus the thick settling and people always parking on both sides of the street, two way traffic is legal but challenging.


istoleyourpope t1_iv2wbss wrote

They cant park there.


sweetener__ OP t1_iv2zriz wrote

Lol. It’s actually incredible that not one single car parked on the street was even scratched due to this.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_iv2ttkn wrote

This is why the only infrastructure we get are speed bumps.


galeeb t1_iv48xdi wrote

That's right near where that car smashed into that house's foundation some months back, too. What is it about that street that makes people want to be complete idiots?


45hope t1_iv5wz53 wrote

some of the worst drivers I have ever come across I have seen in my short time in providence…

I do really enjoy it up here but damn can some people up here cannot drive.


2ears_1_mouth t1_iv5z77i wrote

I hate sharing my city with these speeding loud car smallpp morons. Throw them in the volcano and be done with it.


tads73 t1_iv38fas wrote

Nothing to see here