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Status_Silver_5114 t1_ivjeha5 wrote

It’s the whole state - seriously. No one in this state can drive.


VeganBullGang t1_ivjgtd0 wrote

If you want to really see bad driving, take a little trip over to Fall River


45hope t1_ivjicxp wrote

I don’t think i’ve ever seen a collection of worse drivers. half kiddingly I had to ask my students if rhode island requires you to pass a drivers license test


holy_stroller t1_ivjjo3u wrote

Olneyville turns everyone into an idiot behind the wheel


jay--mac t1_ivjueti wrote

There are bad drivers everywhere, they are just bad in different ways. Providence drivers are bad. As a rule of thumb, you see some totally insane shit once every 5 minutes while on the road. But once you learn to predict the stupid shit they are going to do, you acclimate. Spent a lot of time driving in the DC area, Maryland drivers are far more insane and unpredictable imo


Isthis_really2020ugh t1_ivjvi4u wrote

I've lived across the country. The majority of people do not take the responsibility of driving a 2 ton vehicle seriously. Most drivers suck, just the density of PVD and other cities with poor infrastructure accentuate that issue (read, EVERY New England city).

Grid based cities can be better, but NYC is a nightmare too. Until cell phones are eliminated from the driving equation, and major penalties are issued to the worst offenders (think you'd drive like a total ass clown if your car got impounded for it?) We'll just have to live with it


45hope t1_ivk0866 wrote

yesterday I saw someone stop at a stop sign at a four way intersection and the person behind them passed them and blew through the intersection nearly causing a 2 car accident. I was actually dumbfounded that I wasn’t surprised


FunLife64 t1_ivknswv wrote

Post this on the “United States of America” Reddit. It has nothing to do with Providence or RI.


Proof-Return-6846 t1_ivo5gli wrote

Illegal temp tags and old unregistered plates work wonders for those who don’t want to get insurance or proper licensing


Isthis_really2020ugh t1_ivpkyvo wrote

When was the last time you saw Providence police actually setting up and doing traffic stops in areas we all KNOW people drive like asshats?

Westminster, Manton, Harris aves just to name a few on the West side... They could just post up and stop it; the amount of tickets they could write would pay their salaries

Edit for autocorrect


bigtiddygothbabygirl t1_iwj7wpe wrote

yes the drivers are shit but let’s also talk about how terrible the fucking roads are.