Submitted by HuesOoze_Dilapidated t3_ytnqvt in providence

Good city, Providence. Rolled through for a couple hours today and got all the things I need from a little city day trip. I moved to southeastern Mass last year from downtown Atlanta where I had lived for a decade or so, but I’m not new; some family is here and I’ve been in and around. Boston kinda sucks these days, and so usually if I get some free time and need to get some culture I head to y’all. Today was one of those days, and so I hit it. Nothing crazy, no plan or events, casual day - mid afternoon I jumped off the exit. Headed to Wickenden cause I felt like a slice from Fellini’s. Best pizza around? No idea, but it’s consistently good and I like the atmosphere. Slightest amount of hipster stink but not in an intolerable way, just in the sense that your aunt might say it’s ‘funky’ and they have bathroom graffiti and the local free papers. But the slices are tasty, so I had one outside and went back in for a brownie (technically a chunky blondie if you’re into that) which was also good. Now when I walked outside with a slice, did a big drop of stank gutter water fall directly from the awning onto my crust? Yes, and did I eat it anyway because I like to test my immune system? Also yes. Then I stroll to the Dickblick to look through and remind myself that I actually already have a mechanical pencil like that one, and I wonder how often they’ll rework the mural if at all and so I stroll a bit more, window scoff, check the telephone pole posters and so on. Thayer streets pretty tame now huh? Then I remember I don’t get to the west side much, so I cruise that way, taking a few small detours if I smell a graffiti spot or alleyway or some other thing I wanna see. Graffiti is good here, in quantity if not quality (but I like drippy scrawls and dirty tags and fillins, so you might not be as pleased). There are some talented writers up here, plenty of garbage too. I see a coffee shop and I like coffee so I pull over and turn around in an abandoned diner. Too late - PVD police see me riding dirty in Georgia plates, think I’m evading so they double back and blue light me as I stop in front of Sin Bakery. Ms. Officer! Got damn young lady, thank you for your service baby you really doing it justice. She gave me attitude like I pulled her over, shit. Classic kind-but-not-nice, busted my balls and told me to keep it moving. I didn’t tho, because I was at the place and pulled over into a legit parking spot. So I hop out and run in and pretend like everyone didn’t just watch me get pulled over. But they did watch! Two beautiful Sin bakers were watching, and they both shared my disdain for silly road pirates and they gave me a free iced coffee to help ease my pain! Thanks guys! (Guys in a nongendered way) Then I meet and chat with Andrew, friendly stranger doing what I was doing more or less - enjoying coffee on the sidewalk, thinking about life shit. If you live here you might know him, he’s a gift. I was surprised to see what I assumed was another wild ATLien - man walks by in some fresh Braves gear so I speak ‘ayoo sup Atlanna good to see some South’ or something dumb like that. I’m not always this social, but Andrew and the kind bakers had me feeling friendly. Man, that dude gave me coldest cold shoulder and lady with him said some negative ish I didn’t hear. Fair enough, most people want zero street interactions and that’s fine. I’ll keep it pushing, and ah shit now I’m in olneyville. Any way, I love ya I’m glad you’re doing okay, I’ll be back soon probably for plant city and some art if I can find it.



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Afitz93 t1_iw5bjjm wrote

TLDR - OP probably got baked out of his mind, went to Providence, didn’t really do anything, but sure felt like he did. Good day.


Illustrious-Elk3509 t1_iw5fh3u wrote

You know what I want more unhinged shit like this on the pvd subreddit. Glad you had a good day hope you come back soon


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw5gbff wrote

You see? Thank you, a man can’t even take umbrage with unhinged shit when that is in fact the state of his door.


ApolloKid t1_iw59gx0 wrote

Sir this is a Wendys


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw5a3lj wrote

I see, I see… Lemme get a spicy nuggets combo with a coke, and two junior bacon cheeseburgers please.


MarlKarx-1818 t1_iw5b9xz wrote

I'm getting this tattooed on my back


summerchilde t1_iw5l6fw wrote

Nice Neal Cassady/Jack Kerouac writing vibe.

Skip Plant City. Garden Grille has better vegan/vegetarian. Go to RISD Museum for art. You could spend the whole day in there.


bbristow6 t1_iw5d5ze wrote

I know some of the sin baristas so I’ll be asking about this😂 also, check out some other spots if you’re looking for vegan food! 7 years vegan here and the owners of plant city are quite honestly not good people. Pianta is on Atwells and is fantastic


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw5em89 wrote

Ayyeee! Yes ask please, 98% certain it happened irl. Thanks for the tip on Plant City - omnivore here (with some veg frenz), but I’ll steer clear anyway. Sometimes I feel like GF on a menu stands for General Fuckery anyway.


bbristow6 t1_iw5exzi wrote

The owners are millionaires who were extremely anti bike lane, in regards to the one on South Water; yet they had the company I used to work for, a BIKE messenger company, deliver their food when they first opened because they wanted a local delivery service


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw5fbj6 wrote

Oh yeah, I’m not up on local issues like this so thanks. And how many local condo developments used plant city adjacency to sell ‘bikeable liveable urban units’ or whatever.


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw5exw8 wrote

Respect for the commitment, snide remark directed at the general use of healthy eating as marketing ploy.


els1988 t1_iw5u02j wrote

PVD > Boston.


RandomChurn t1_iw6rn41 wrote

Hiya neighbor 👋

Next time you're meandering around Wickenden, take East St (it intersects Wickenden up toward the Governor end) and park and walk over 195 on the pedestrian bridge (great view from there of the Port of Providence) and down into India Point Park, which is bounded by the Providence River on one side and the Seekonk River on the other.

There is graffitti in the park. My favorite is on a small boulder along the water that has just the word "Loss" in blue drippy letters. It's pensive.

You can access one of the local breweries there at the edge of the park. Or hike on over to explore the tiny eateries and bars on Ives St (but hit it Wed-Sun; some are closed Mon-Tu). It's very spill onto-the-sidewalks in season and has a lowkey lively feel. That will no doubt go away come winter.

Glad you enjoy Providence. So do I 🤝


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw7i28m wrote

Heyyy! Great recs thanks! I’ve driven through India Point, will def be back for on foot fun. The water does add something special. I know Ives mainly for the donut shop, but lots more to find


an-eternal-hum t1_iw6946r wrote

yeahhhhh but what about the new Trader Joe’s like c’mon


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw7k3nw wrote

I didn’t put it together til I was eating pizza, lol’d and said to no one “oh thooose are the $3k 1/1 apartments lol gtfo” We all know what a new TJs means for an area, good and bad. I’d be bummed if I had an affordable long term rental in walking distance; might eat brownie bites in the meantime, but I’d be paranoid about getting bounced soon


BennyKlankenship t1_iw5vc92 wrote

For the graffiti crowd. Stop fucking with Grime. He's an abuser and has been for years.


bbristow6 t1_iw72alr wrote

I’ve hated whoever Grime is ever since he tagged the front door of the old planned parenthood😑 fuck that dude


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iw7i054 wrote

Sounds like a great day! I hope on one of your future journeys you give Westerly a try. There’s plenty to do here and cool folks to meet. It’s a nice way to spend a quietish day with less parking issues.


Blackulor t1_iwac4dn wrote

A day like many of my past. Show up and see what happens. Well done.


total_life_forever t1_iw5kjhs wrote

Fellini's overrated. The pizza falls apart before you can eat it because they have zero chill on the toppings.


HuesOoze_Dilapidated OP t1_iw5lv52 wrote

Somehow you speak truths and yet my actions disagree. Weird. It is, it does, they don’t - but I return.